Ray Parker Jr. is "dead"! - new theme ideas

by JerseyDevil

19 years, 8 months ago

I say stick with the main title theme by Elmer Bernstein, RPJ's version, RUN-DMC & Bobby Brown's. Use them all in the third edition. Stick with the classics.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

19 years, 8 months ago

I don't see the need to get a new song. The oringinal is fine. But if ya want an updated version, you should get My Chemical Romance to do it.

by cheesebuster

19 years, 7 months ago

I think the theme should stay the same, it's very iconic, I mean I saw an advert for it as a mobile ringtone the other day, it's still in popular culture. However, I would change the soundtrack, I'd make it purely score (eg no Run DMC or Alessi, so it wouldn't become dated (though I admit some films with soundtrack songs last the tests of time without looking dated, I think GB2 shows it though) Batman Begins did that and I think it's really going to help it a lot, that's just my opinion though

Oh and it has to be a comedy :-) (*peter)

by S.E.M.

19 years, 7 months ago

The Ghostbusters theme has been covered a ton already. I think the last one was by like New Found Glory or one of those pop punk bands. I personally like the original, maybe just have Ray Parker Jr. re-record it. But I think what was good about the first two Ghostbusters soundtracks and many soundtracks in the 80s was that the songs were made for the movie, unlike now where they just pick up pre-written songs that will barely fit the plot. So I think the main theme should stay… But yeah feature some new songs that will fit into the plot with current artists… I like Ozzy, Rob Zombie, and all… But the Ghostbuster movies are comedies… Those guys would be more inclined to write something more scary and serious… So if you are gonna get artist it should be like Weird Al and Tenacious D… Catchy tunes, that sound good, but will be funny and somewhat serious at the same time.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 7 months ago

I don't see the need to get a new song. The oringinal is fine. But if ya want an updated version, you should get My Chemical Romance to do it.

Are you trying to kill me? I'm only 19!!!

by back

19 years, 7 months ago

personally, i dont think that Anything will ever top Parkers ghostly groove. (*ray)
im gone.

by robertknippels1

19 years, 7 months ago

I've read in a magazine that Ray Parker Jr. wasn't ready with the ghostbusters song but Ivan Reitman liked it allready and told him not to change annything. Just wondering what the other ideas were that he had.


robert (*peter) (*ray) (*egon)

by MasterSpider

19 years, 7 months ago

Probably not much, I'd say. Maybe a different verse or something. I'm doubting it was anything vastly different.

I will tell you, if they do do a new theme if a new movie ever impossibly came out, the LAST thing I would want is some crappy punk band “covering” it, or making their own original version. If My Chemical Romance went anywhere near this franchise it'd be worth me going to jail for setting off a bomb in the recording studio…

by Pizzaguy

19 years, 7 months ago

I like the idea about Ozzy since he's sort of involved with the supernatural and the end of the earth, I really like his “Facing Hell” song and “I don't Wanna Change The World.” (*peter) (^_^) (*peter)

by Pizzaguy

19 years, 7 months ago

Well, I hate Marilyn Manson he's just a freak and by the way his songs “reek”. :-) (*peter) (*rant)