
by SadEmoKid

22 years ago

I think you should change the wording for the icons below the message boards.

“New post since your last visit”
should read
“New post since your last login”

since that's actually what it is. It's confusing, because when the change first occurred, I thought it would show new posts since the LAST time I was at GBN.

by Ectoman

22 years ago

I think this feature is broken.

I have never seen it show the ones I haven't read as marked.. it usually only does like the first 3, and then just does the rest as read.

It probably should be since last visit, as it is. If I'm not the only one have problems with it, it should work with each visit.

by SadEmoKid

22 years ago

It works…but not efficiently. It shows where there are new posts since you logged in, but they don't go away after you read them , or visit the board. It makes it difficult to keep up with what's new, and what you've read.