I thought id share with the rest of u all my GREAT day
Got a frickn headache too lol
by mellie1
18 years ago
I assume ur ok….since ur posting…etc.
by Guido75
18 years ago
ya no one was injured….just a stupid drunk frickn hit the back of my rig while we were driving code 3 and spun me out into the pole
by fusi0n1
18 years ago
Glad you're okay Guido.
So you're an ambo driver? What's a code 3?
by Guido75
18 years ago
Lights and sirens. Funny thing was we were going to a vehicle accident lol. Ya being a paramedic is nothing but being a glorified taxi driver :p
by Sayingkingkilla
18 years ago
Good thing no one was hurt.
by Kingpin
18 years ago
Glad to hear only the bus got written off, Guido. Have you been put onto another, or are they waiting a short period so you get over any possible after effects?
by Guido75
18 years ago
well its company policy that whenever an employee is involved in any type of Motor Vehicle Accident he or she must submit a hair and or blood test to determine if there is any illegal substances. REGARDLESS of fault. So im kinda stuck not workn till my tests are in their hands. But its paid vactation so i cant complain. Plus luckily that was one of our really old rigs. We just got 12 brand new ones that are bigger, better, and a whole lot more safe. Ill post pics soon plus i got more pics of the accident ill put up as soon as i get them.