Real Franchise

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 9 months ago

I do agree that there are alot of people who just don't get “The spirit of Role Playing.”

I too, will be a high school teacher in about 2 years, and I too, pretend that I am someone I'm not on this site. Plenty of people do it. I think it's cool.

Check out the Harry Potter-GB crossover post. I got nailed by Doc Eggman because he thought that I believe all this to be real, and I had to explain myself.

Oh well. I guess the point is: “There's one born every minute…” wink

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 9 months ago

Ummm…..that just looked like I called Doc Eggman a sucker, didn't it? Well, it wasn't meant to be like that. I was talking about all of the yahoos who think that the entire concept of GB is real.

by ProtonPackMan

22 years, 9 months ago

hahahahahaha! Ghostbusting real? hahahahaha. now that thats out, for the love of God leave the kid alone. Maybe he was messin around in the first place and you people thought he was for real. ;-)

by JillValentine

22 years, 9 months ago

What's next, Vincie? Telling the poor little kid that there's no Santa Clause?

by J.C

22 years, 9 months ago

Me!!!!!! I'am a Ghostbuster!!!!!!!!smile
I can bust ghosts!!!smile!!!
ZapanTrap!! wink

I'am the magical man from ghostie world living in an abandoned firestation in an anti-dimensional Manhattan!!!!

By the way I was being sarcastic.
No offence to


22 years, 9 months ago

Ghostbusting is a hard job, do you know how many times i have had to get me uniform cleaned this week?! wink

by BoHolbrook

22 years, 8 months ago

We at Nightsquad do not tend to get our suits cleaned. We find it's like Ice Skating up hill.

by GBTaiMaiShu

22 years, 8 months ago

heheh, okay now's the time to stop before you guys go overboard


22 years, 8 months ago

no no, i think i went overboard when i orderd a new injector pump from GBI last week, in my opinion i think we franchises need to do more role playing, just go bakc and forth with syaing gb franchise stuff…

by DoctorConner

22 years, 7 months ago

To answer your question simply, YES.
It is quite possible to own a “real” Ghostbusters Franchise,I myself am team leader of the Jacksonville Florida Ghostbusters which does both “pretend” Ghostbusting and actual paranormal investagations. Although I am regional contact for the American Ghosthunters Society our work is strictly freelance. A good 80% of so called hauntings alas are not “true” hauntings but that 10% is what keeps us comming back.

As far as equipment goes, it's nothing as flashy as a proton pack, PKE Metre, or trap. It's more like a digital thermal scanner (IR thermometer,) EMF dectector, digital recorder, good camera, and various other equipment like that.

We, The Jax Ghostbusters are in the process of building our own webpage so be on the lookout…

We're ready to believe you….
Doctor Seán Conner
Jacksonville, Florida Ghostbusters