Real Ghostbusters Ongoing Easter Eggs

by bigtonay

13 years, 4 months ago

After seeing Kingpin's post in the other thread I thought it would be fun to create this one to post all the fun easter eggs that are contained within the comics. I'll apologize in advance for not listing specific stories the easter eggs are related to, but maybe others could help with that.
After reading issue 3 here is what I've found including the page in which they're located.

page 1 KITT
page 2 Ghosbuters video arcade game, “it's milla time” light, sam hain poster, cowboy ghost?
page 4 Troll on the bridge, A-team Van
page 6 Drool the dogfaced goblin
page 8 trap from extreme ghostbusters
page 9 robo buster head, toaster
page 10 ride of the valkyries poster, Shanna poster, ecto cooler, staypuft billboard, peters uncle billboard, lupusville billboard, samhain billboard
page 11 boson dart, builtmore hotel?
page 12 rookie reference

Maybe some of the are incorrect maybe I missed some. Please feel free to help with the list.
Thanks everyone!

by RealmMan

13 years, 3 months ago

page 2: pool player looks suspiciously like Chevy Chase in “Caddyshack”, panel 5: Q*bert from TVG
Page 9 panels 2 and 4, and page 19 panel 2: XGB ghost beacon to the right of the book
page 10: Peter's “Venk-Man” super muscles, (Sigourney) Weaver Theaters, Jr. GBs (bottom edge of panel 1), Manhattan City Bank billboard (complete with Peter's mortgage line), Strange Fiction (from “Sandman”), Boo York blimp
Page 12 panel 2: Earp by Dewey laMorte (“Ghostfight at the OK Corral” same as the boots, ghost and banner back on page 2
page 15: Celebrity Magazine and its reporter from “Devil in the Deep”

and of course, the reference to the Biltmore Hotel, which played the Sedgewick all those many years ago.

by RealmMan

13 years, 3 months ago

And while I'm thinking of it, anyone else really bugged by Ecto's shaved-off fins? I know they're trying to side-step having to pay GM, but jeez!

by RealmMan

13 years, 3 months ago

Forgot one: page 8 shows the RGB containment unit with the “one-and-done” security system from “Mrs. Rogers' Neighborhood.”