Real Ghostbusters / Slimer Comics

by ghostbusterjustin

19 years, 10 months ago

Does anyone collect The Real Ghostbusters and/or Slimer comic books? I do, and I was lucky enough to buy most mint all together on ebay for about $15 I'm just lacking a few. I need the RGB #1,4, and 6, - series 2 #1, and I need the 3d special …From the Slimer comics I just need #1….
The comics are pretty nice. Remind me of the good ol' days watching RGB and Slimer. I can't wait until they put the episodes on DVD, and they will…eventually.
Anyway, just seeing what other ghostheads collect the old GB comics.

I have an extra set of the Real Ghostbusters Starring In GBII complete miniseries comics, near mint I'm thinking about selling if anyone is interested just send me a message.

by castewar1

19 years, 10 months ago

Paul at Spook Central has the 3D special for sale, if you're looking to pick up an unopened copy.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 10 months ago

I collect any GB things I can find/afford, though I do a nice line in finding Marvel's RGB annuals and getting charged way too much for them. They're mine though. Hands off!

by Ludicris

19 years, 10 months ago

Hey, I only have the first issue of The Real Ghostbusters in Ghostbusters 2; How much do you think you'll be asking for your set?

(My favorite of the old comics was The Father Thing Trilogy; although the ending was a little disappointing).


19 years, 10 months ago

Hey, did you buy them from a guy named Comiczar? That's who I won most of my collection off of.

by egon92

19 years, 9 months ago

I have the majority of the NOW Comics TRG series. I have two copies of the first several issues because I noticed some of them have Slimer in the lower corner of the cover while the others have the UPC code. I just scouted eBay for a while until I got all of mine, and I didn't pay much for them. They're also in excellent condition. I had many of them already, minus the first 3 issues, but all of mine had seen a lot of wear over the years. I also have an annual or two, the Ghostbusters II movie adaptation (thought in bad shape), the GB role playing game (very cool), and the little books sold in the UK based on the RGB cartoon, including Drool, the Dog-Faced Goblin, Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood, and many others. Those are really cool, so keep an eye out for them.

by J.Grant

19 years ago

Issues of RGB comics that i have: the one with Robobuster (issue 21)
Issues of SLIMER comics that i have: Issue numbers 11 and 12

by Gotham95

17 years ago

Are the UK issues different than the NOW RGB issues?

I got the Titan TPB books that came out last year which I think reprinted the UK books but was wondering if I should seek out the NOW issues.

by Kingpin

17 years ago

The NOW issues are vastly superior in quality compared to the UK comics… you'd be better off trying to collect the NOW comics.

by Venkman582

16 years, 9 months ago

I currently have the RGB in Ghostbusters II TPB, volume 1 # 14,24,25, and 26. Also I have volume 2 #0, 2 the 1992 and 1993 annuals and the Slimer 3D special.

I remember after The Real Ghostbusters stopped airing I was trilled to find these comics, to me it like the show was still going only in my mind's eye, I can remember being thrilled during the summer of 1992 to find a Real Ghostbusters comic book at my local newsstand, I think I must have read the comic three times that day.

Another part of the series that I enjoyed was the posters that were included in many issues, the art style was very close to the show and to see the Ghostbusters in all there glory made me smile.

I just wish that NOW comics had put out more trade paperback editions of
there books, not that I don't love collecting the single issues, rather the muti part stories like "War At The Earth's Core, The Father Thing trilogy ,and Tobin and The Maze Of Time, since I own many other TPB of other titles with stories runing three to four issues it would have been nice to have the whole story right at my fingertips, rather than having to paying two to three dollars for each one.