Reasons GB3 shouldn't be made

by RobertBlues

19 years, 3 months ago

BLUES BROTHERS 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok dont get me wrong, I'd personally kill the Pope if it would get GB3 made.

But honestly, Look at Danny's attempt at a Blues Bros sequel, it ruined it. There was no swearing, it was to short and to many guys dressed in black suits. Without Belushi it was nothing.

So if Murray, and Hudson and Weaver don't return it will ruin the films. I mean we can't have a bunch of new kids runnin around. Thats not Ghostbusters, its a halloween (the day not the films) movie with kids dressed as Ghostbusters. Its not worth it.

I love Blues Brothers and Ghostbusters more then anything, BB2K was just sad, and if there is a GB3 it'll just be sad as well.

Cya Round Campus


by fusi0n1

19 years, 3 months ago

Ah yes, the pros and cons of any sequel.

Will it be any good? Will it hurt the franchise? That will never be known until it is made.

Basically what I want is a proper sequel that many want as they felt robbed after GB2 (which I still enjoyed anyway)
And if there was a GB3, we would be soaking in the spotlight from new merchandise, and possibly games, so even if the sequel wasn't the best, there would be more of GB.

by Dr.D

19 years, 3 months ago

Has anyone listened to what Dan said? In one of the first interviews about GB3 not being made he said that he was not going to have the movie star him and Harold and Bill. He said he was going to bring a whole new cast in. So, your little BB2K theroy has no merit.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

I kno this is a bit off-topic, but I really dont think GB2 was a bad movie, sure, it got a bit too much on the “golly-gee!” side, but it wasnt a bad flick. Was it on par with GB1? No, but few sequels are, I still say it was a good flick.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Uniting the “old crew” simply won't happen. I mean, I think it's prolly fairly obvious at this point.

A new cast could kick substantial @ss, if correctly constructed. And with Danny's GB3 script concept, it's a surefire flick.

The only thing I don't look forward to is people saying “without _______, GB is nothing!”

Not the case.

When it's made (and it's not a question of “if,” but “when”), it's gonna rock out. Promise. The franchise has become more than its actors, and if the overall GB theme and aesthetic feel is maintained, it'll be bitchin.'

Personally, can't wait.

*Sorry to be positive in a “downer” thread……back on-track.

by xenepp1

19 years, 3 months ago

Think Greg just spoke my mind

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion however, but you did state yourself Rob, you'd like to see the movie made. And like Greg said, it's just a matter of when.


by RobertBlues

19 years, 3 months ago

Yeh, I did say I'd like to see it get made, but from reviews of the script I read and interviews I heard/ read that i'd be like EGB, but with Ray training instead of Egon, and the whole idea sounded bad, I'm a writer as well, (films) and I know how hard it is to come up with freash idea or if ur writing a squeal, or even a third film which Im doin at the moment.
I know how hard it is to keep a film series goin, even with the same characters, but if its character ppl have fallin in love with. I dont wanna see new busters, or to a lesser actors playing the same roles. eg Ashton Kutcher as Venkman.

But a thrid film with new characters may in fact do some damage to sumthing we all love, granted there will be countless toys and so fourth. But seriously, new busters could be a bad idea. I memeber when EGB was first released it was welcomed as well, because of new characters.

by slimer3881

19 years, 3 months ago

if its a new team in a third film they should stick with EGB, cept Garret would walk. or alteast replace Garret with a grown up Oscar. because were familar with the characters so why not see them fleshed out in the 2nd sequal.

not a big EGB fan but, those characters could work for the sequal.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 3 months ago

Have any of you read Dan's orginal BB 2000 script? Its pretty good and dark as hell. It almost has the same tone as the first film but darker. He had to change it cause Universal wanted a family film. The script online somewhere check it out.

by andy1

19 years, 3 months ago

if its a new team in a third film they should stick with EGB, cept Garret would walk. or alteast replace Garret with a grown up Oscar. because were familar with the characters so why not see them fleshed out in the 2nd sequal.

not a big EGB fan but, those characters could work for the sequal.

Ugh, you've gotta be kidding me. Bill, Dan and Harold or nobody. We can't have a new cast of Ghostbusters - it just wouldn't work. Ghostbusters wasn't as great as it was because it was to do with catching ghosts (though it's an awesome concept) - it was the combined comedy style of Bill, Dan and Harold that made it work so well.

The Extreme Ghostbusters cast is just a bunch of characters thrown together to be politically correct. The only way to make a new cast work is to use similar contrasting character types as Venkman, Stantz. Spengler and Zeddemore - but then what's the point? We'll be saying “oh so he's the Egon character then” and all the time wondering where Egon is. Extreme Ghostbusters did a lot to damage the Ghostbuster name - a movie in the same style could do nothing but destroy it.