Gotta give Sony some credit here.
Yes, it's a matter of character interaction…..but to think that only the original cast has this “edge,” well, that's just short-sighted. There's a number of great combinations that could work wonders in a new GB film, even if the formula was tweaked a bit (while still retaining similar character archetypes and interaction style).
Believe me, average Joe/Jane won't actively say “that's the Egon character;” look at the movie from a standpoint outside the realm of the Ghosthead. A new cast most certainly would work….it's not just the premise of the movie, but also the interaction style, which isn't exclusive to those actors. The point of making new characters with similar personality types is to “tweak” the old characters a bit, give them a contemporary edge, and maintain that “old-skool,” average-guy-style comedy that made the first two films work so well. A large part of those movies worked because hey, they weren't futuristic scientific technofiles. they were regular guys in an extraordinary position.
Yes, the character archetypes would be roughly extended to a third film….but hey, that happens in ALL movies. It's unavoidable. But the new movie will retain new people, and that will certainly breathe new life into the crew.
I mean, can you imagine Ryan Reynolds and Jack Black's freakout/interaction when they get into it for the first time?