Reasons GB3 shouldn't be made

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

XGB was a poor attempt at a PC, “xtreme” animated show, an effort to bank off of another animated show that did so well….nothing more. When GB3 is made, believe me, it'll have NOTHING to do w/ XGB.

Gotta give Sony some credit here.

Yes, it's a matter of character interaction…..but to think that only the original cast has this “edge,” well, that's just short-sighted. There's a number of great combinations that could work wonders in a new GB film, even if the formula was tweaked a bit (while still retaining similar character archetypes and interaction style).

Believe me, average Joe/Jane won't actively say “that's the Egon character;” look at the movie from a standpoint outside the realm of the Ghosthead. A new cast most certainly would work….it's not just the premise of the movie, but also the interaction style, which isn't exclusive to those actors. The point of making new characters with similar personality types is to “tweak” the old characters a bit, give them a contemporary edge, and maintain that “old-skool,” average-guy-style comedy that made the first two films work so well. A large part of those movies worked because hey, they weren't futuristic scientific technofiles. they were regular guys in an extraordinary position.

Yes, the character archetypes would be roughly extended to a third film….but hey, that happens in ALL movies. It's unavoidable. But the new movie will retain new people, and that will certainly breathe new life into the crew.

I mean, can you imagine Ryan Reynolds and Jack Black's freakout/interaction when they get into it for the first time?


by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 3 months ago

You gotta have Dan, Bill, Harold, and Ernie in the third movie. It just would work right without them being there. They could add new ones, but keep the originals in there too.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

No ya don't.

It'll be just fine w/o them.

But I still have a premonition that Danny'll be in there somewhere….

by gbmasterman

19 years, 3 months ago

No ya don't.

Yes you do.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Don't sit there and tell me that dynamic cast interaction is exclusive to the original four.

That's crazy.

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see a few of the old guys back…..but not as primary cast members. Honestly, they're too damn old.

Have you seen Harold Ramis lately?

Bring Danny, Ramis, and Hudson back as the head honchos, but I just don't think it could go any farther than that.

The truth is, it's only a matter of time until GB3 is made. Plain and simple. Not only is the GB property a huge moneymaker, but believe it or not, there's an enormous fanbase, and that fanbase is becoming increasingly influential within the film industry. It'll be made; it's simply a question of when.

There's absolutely no reason that a new cast wouldn't work, provided it was carefully selected on the basis of cast interaction, not just salary/visibility. Use some up-and-comers….s'why I mentioned Reynolds and Black. In fact, a new cast could add a lot to the franchise, again, if it was carefully constructed. Breathe a little life into her, as it were.

I mean, think outside the damn box a little.

Imagine Danny's old script w/ some good cast interaction, some cool, old-skool humor, and no tackiness.

Sure, I can think of a hundred ways that GB3 could go wrong. Maybe more. But you can't say “without the old folks it's a no-go.”

I mean, you can, but it'd be short-sighted.

by slimer3881

19 years, 3 months ago

i agree. think of it this way, i know this is a bad example but, think about Star Wars, eps 1-3 have a totally different character base than 4 - 6. and the movies were still enjoyable, no one cared if Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher werent gonna be in the episodes 1 - 3 ( even though we already knew that, but not the point ), im trying to say that, even though that its a new generation and new characters doesnt mean that its not gonna be Ghostbusters. Star Wars eps 1 - 3 were made 20 years later after the originals and still kept the feel and enjoyment of the orginal 3 and even though Ep 1 and 2 sucked, it still brought back the franchise in a big way.

and thats another thing Star Wars eps 1 - 3 were made about 30 years later. and no one really knew that they were actually gonna be made, it was almost the same exact hype. so it IS just a matter of time.

by matthew1

19 years, 3 months ago

I agree with some of what you have said gjustice.

I think that if a second sequel was to be made, it would be good to introduce a few new characters taking up the role of Ghostbusters. It could work as a tool for maybe a third sequel and at the same time use comedians that are slightly more recognisable and popular with todays audiences. However, they'd have to be very, very good.

I do think though that if Ghostbusters III is to be made, that Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson should be in it, whether it's to pass the torch to a younger generation or just saving the world themselves one last time.

You also said that they are too old. You can never be too old for comedy.

by RobertBlues

19 years, 3 months ago

Ok, so i forgot about Ryan Reynolds. He'd do a damn fien job in a GB film, I loved him in Blade III, im mean he reaction to the Vampire Pomerainian (spelling?) priceless.

But i member reading a fan script were the person introduced a new team of characters and while they worked quite well, Ray, Venkman, Spengs and Zeddemore weren't really in it to much untill the new team came up against some too big for em, the OGB came back and saved the day. That would be cool to see, but i dunno bout a GBIII.

BTW I have read Danny's first BB2K draft and it is kinda dark including Elwood trying to kill himself which part of it was left in the film.

Elwood askin Matara to drop him off.
And if u look closely at Elwood when he's waiting outside Melvin Gasparones at night he's soaking wet cos the river he tried to drown himself in is to shallow.

Cya round Campus


by andy1

19 years, 3 months ago

I mean, can you imagine Ryan Reynolds and Jack Black's freakout/interaction when they get into it for the first time?


I wouldn't be interested in seeing that at all. It's already been done - in the first movie we see the guy's reaction to first seeing a ghost and trying to catch one. Let's face it, their first bust ever without even any equipment tests, went pretty sucessfully. I think it's safe to say not much training is really needed to be a Ghostbuster - Ray hired Winston without even knowing anything about him. A film about training a new team would be completely pointless.

I can think of one way it could work, however. The new cast could be part of a RIVAL Ghostbuster team. One that's putting the originals out of business. It'd be different and not been done before in a Ghostbusters movie - in all businesses you will always eventually get competition.

At the end maybe they have to settle their differences and team up to stop the greater threat, where they could merge companies (and call it Ghostbusters of course). I'd also like to see the original cast die at the end (as long as the new team doesn't trap them) - would be funny to see the Ghostbusters end up as the very things they try to catch.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

Hey….whatever you're into.

Note Derek's post in the “why?” thread in “GB III”…..takes it farther than I did. He's got the capacity to explain the concept a bit better than me.