Recaster alert! Zombie amusements

by multimediamayhem

13 years, 9 months ago

Do not buy from Zombie Amusements…he is a recaster!

I have been selling on Ebay for years, even before my MMM website and for the longest time I was one of the few sellers of GB parts on Ebay. Along came Zombie amusements and started selling items to compete with me, fair enough, thats just business and honest competition is fine. Even though his main mode of operation was to undercut and claim to have the lowest prices on Ebay or

I had bought some light kits for the gun and for a slime blower and noticed he was plugging his website on Ebay (big no-no) so I had a look, to my surprise I saw what looked like my gun grips being sold, i then had a look back in my records and discovered I had sold him grips in 2009 as well as some other items. I usually instantly recognize my work as most others do so I ordered a set from him (used my MMM address and Paypal acc.) and waited for them to arrive. A few weeks passed and they arrived today. As soon as I opened the box I immediately knew they were recasted MMM grips…without a doubt.

Here are pictures prooving that
MMM grip in white on the top

He tried to cover up the MMM engraved in the back side by grinding it out

There is an elongated groove on my grips and his recast matches all the features exactly on mine

He then tried to dremmel the grooves to alter their appearance, really sloppy too

So there you have it, I'm 100% convinced. You be the judge

Has anyone else purchased grips from Zombie Amusements? If so I'd like to see them for comparison


by Kingpin

13 years, 9 months ago

Pretty conclusive, sorry to see that he's ripped off your work, Colin.

by multimediamayhem

13 years, 9 months ago

Zombie Amusements has been blacklisted and banned from for recasting. Nuff said.