Recording Music (PC question)

by JimPhelps

16 years ago

I have a question bout recording music. Is there anyway to up the volume level of a recording besides the obvious 2 ways to do it? (by this i mean the volume control of the speakers and rerecording the music at a louder volume). Is there a way to boost the record level of an MP3? Im asking this because I've noticed that some of the songs on my pc sound pretty low volume compared to others. I can have 2 recordings of the same song and one will be louder than the other. I have the pc program Audacity and ive been trying to ‘amp’ the levels up so the song won't be so soft but I have no idea how to do it. I didn't know if someone on here has any tech tricks that I could use to do it.


by spookbuster1

15 years, 12 months ago

If your using audacity, just raise the gain level on the track you want to make louder…(don't overdo it though, it'll get distorted)

by robbritton

15 years, 12 months ago

You could also use Adobe Audition and give them a db boost. There are presets of 3, 6 and 10 if memory serves and it's all super undo-able if you mess up. It's a pretty intuitive program to use - EFFECTS > AMPLITUDE > AMPLIFY/FADE, then choose your setting.

I'd imagine you can do similar in Audacity, although I've never used it myself.