Reitman Empire Interview - a little on Ghostbusters III

by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

Take a look at this:

Read it? Good. I don't know about you but I found Ivans response to the last question very interesting. Very interesting indeed!

Looking forward, word is slowly building about Ghostbusters in Hell. Have you heard anything new about that?

Ghostbusters In Hell well the script that Dan Aykroyd has written, and we have been in discussion with Sony Columbia about it whether it’s going to be that script. But there seems to be renewed interest in doing another Ghostbusters in some new fresh way, put it that way. We’ll see where it goes.

This sounds very promising. Reitman says himself that there seems to be renewed interest in a Ghostbusters sequel!

He also says that he's been in discussion with Sony Columbia as to whether if the third movie was to go into production, would it be Aykroyds 1999 Hellbent script or some other idea.

My personal feeling is that Reitmans meeting with sony probably went something like this:


I wanted to discuss doing another Ghostbusters movie.


Okay. Tell us about it.


Well, back in 1999 Dan Aykroyd, who I beleive you've spoken to wrote a script called Ghostbusters Hellbent which see's the Ghostbusters transported to a hellish world which mirrors New York.


Ah yes. We remember.


Well I'd like to know, is there any chance of it being greenlit by Sony Columbia?


Well the thing is Ivan, we've read it and were not too keen on it.


Oh, I see. Why?


Well, what we'd like to see is something new. Something fresh. As you well know Bill Murray does not want to appear in a third movie and the original actors are getting on a bit now.


So you'd like the francise introduce a team of new Ghostbusters.


That's what we'd like to see.


How about the original actors?


It depends on the script. We'd like to see a different script which revolves around a new team.


I understand. So let's say if I managed to bring you another script in about six months or so which follows your preferences, what are the chances of the movie being made?


Well, were interested in renuing the francise. It all depends on the script and the budget.


I understand. Well, thankyou for your time.



(Ivan and the sony exects shake hands)

Of course, I could be completely wrong, but that's my gut feeling of what's gone on between reitman and Sony.

What do you'll think?

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

thanks for the link my friend

here for you :

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 7 months ago

I think a new team type deal could be a great idea. The old team could of course make cameo appearances, but would probably just be too old to star in the film themselves. It wouldn't necessarily have to be based on EGB either. And to keep costs down, I doubt they'd need to hire any big stars like Will Smith or Ben Stiller to be on the team, as rumors in past have suggested they'd be casted(Although if I could only see one big name actor as a Ghostbuster, it'd have to be Will Ferrell, he'd be hilarious). As long as Reitman, Aykroyd, and Ramis are behind it, there's still a decent chance it could become another classic like the original was.

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 7 months ago

but if it is a new team.. it's really like EGB.. but hell, if it's a GB movie, I will gladly support it. (^_^)

and also this belongs to the GBIII section.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Ignatz Kaspir
I think a new team type deal could be a great idea. The old team could of course make cameo appearances, but would probably just be too old to star in the film themselves. It wouldn't necessarily have to be based on EGB either. And to keep costs down, I doubt they'd need to hire any big stars like Will Smith or Ben Stiller to be on the team, as rumors in past have suggested they'd be casted(Although if I could only see one big name actor as a Ghostbuster, it'd have to be Will Ferrell, he'd be hilarious). As long as Reitman, Aykroyd, and Ramis are behind it, there's still a decent chance it could become another classic like the original was.

Eh, if you ask me it's Vince Vaughn or none of that group… maybe Owen Willson depending on things…

Yet another contradictory interview, okay… I'm open to the idea that the recent rumours might've gotten some gears going… but I'm not yet convinced anything of wealth will materialise, as the tidbit about them discussing the script and pursuing a third film is dinosaur old news. :p

I'll also shift this over to GBIII as it's where this topic belongs. :p

by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

But the interview is new. reitmans explaining the situation as it is now, not from the past.

I think that they're currently devising a script which works around the story of Venkmans absence. I also think that it will include a new team.

I'm betting that Reitman will approach Sony again in the near future with a new premise for Ghostbusters III which follows these ideas. As to wheather or not Sony will agree terms I don't know.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

True… but depending how you look at it another recent interview quoted him saying he wasn't gonna pursue it. I will give you that it's Empire Online and as such has lots more journalistic skill and integrity in it's corner.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 7 months ago

I think it's weird that the last month we see a couple of interviews of Ivan Reitman talking about Ghostbusters III.
Maybe he's planning a new GB movie without any member of the original cast because Dan Aykroyd said the last interview I saw of him that it's never gonna happen.
I think that Ivan Reitman now understand that his movies in the last 15 years aren't big hits.
The only big hit movie he could make today is Ghostbusters III but he has to bring a lot of the original cast back otherwise it couldn't be a big hit.

by robertknippels1

18 years, 7 months ago

As long as there are rumours it means that the ghostbusters franchise are alive. If I look at the upcoming indiana jones 4 movie it toke them also more then 17 years to make a come back. The last news about that movie is that they will start filming at the end of this year. It would be nice to have one more movie and I do hope that if they going to make it that the old stars will have cameo's in it.

Best regards,


by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Sorry, Rob. I couldn't disagree more.

The Ghostbusters franchise has always been alive, just in the fans… times have shown we've made stuff of greater quality then some of the officially licenced merchandise.

But it's good to know there's still a public eye on things, to a degree.