Reitman Empire Interview - a little on Ghostbusters III

by texasgb1

18 years, 7 months ago

I am guessing Dan Aykroyd was not involved in those discussions based on his comments. I really hope they keep Dan involved. His script sounded pretty good but I am sure he could come up with something different if they wanted him involved. Its funnny Reitman is interested. The story has definately changed. A few years back it was Harold who was going to direct.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 7 months ago

If I look at the upcoming indiana jones 4 movie it toke them also more then 17 years to make a come back

I think anything is possible.

True… but depending how you look at it another recent interview quoted him saying he wasn't gonna pursue it.

I don't know people can change their minds. But for me I tend not to believe everything I read especially from the internet. When it comes to a film that has been what rumored for years. But I believe anything is possible. Who knows one day. I liked the hellbent story though. I wish they just go with it.


by Bladex_2004

18 years, 7 months ago

Well all we can do is hope because remember that the rumors flew around the internet for years for both aliens Vs. Predator and also Freddy Vs. Jason, I understand that GBIII is not a Vs movie but the same could hold true for GB3 because it took several years before they finally made the two movies i just said, so all we can do is cross our fingers and hope that what Ivan said is true and not just wishful thinking

by Para-psychology_doc

18 years, 7 months ago

Sorry, Rob. I couldn't disagree more.

The Ghostbusters franchise has always been alive, just in the fans… times have shown we've made stuff of greater quality then some of the officially licenced merchandise.

But it's good to know there's still a public eye on things, to a degree.

Thank you Ben for saving me the trouble of repeating myself. People even within the fan community consistently overlook the die-hard fanbase our beloved series has.

by Slimething19

18 years, 7 months ago

I do believe though if they go to sony with the idea of using Vince Vaughn and company it has a better shot of being made then if they go to them with the idea of bringing back the old cast. I know its kind crazy, but what about this for our 4 busters

Vince Vaughn
Will Farrell
Owen Wilson
Dave Chappelle

That would be straight up comedy. I would love to see the old guys back for one more ride, but I am sure sony isn't confident in having people who haven't done or had a succesful movie in years try to bring back the Ghostbusters. They probly feel the name alone couldn't save the film.

by heslimedme251

18 years, 7 months ago

The only problem I can really see with the “new team” premise, is that Sony can abuse the fact that it's no longer the original team. I have a horrible feeling that they'd attempt to make a fourth film if a third film was made and did exceedingly well at the box office. If they could somehow find a script that basically wouldn't let a fourth be considered then i'd be happy! Although i'd still be happy with a third film at all! But as has been said, these are unsubstantiated claims. That interview could've been a good few months ago before the magazine decides to use it, i never trust the media and i'm part of the infernal machine! bah, anywho…that's my thoughts.


by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

I do believe though if they go to sony with the idea of using Vince Vaughn and company it has a better shot of being made then if they go to them with the idea of bringing back the old cast. I know its kind crazy, but what about this for our 4 busters

Vince Vaughn
Will Farrell
Owen Wilson
Dave Chappelle

That would be straight up comedy. I would love to see the old guys back for one more ride, but I am sure sony isn't confident in having people who haven't done or had a succesful movie in years try to bring back the Ghostbusters. They probly feel the name alone couldn't save the film.

I guess I'll be saying this til the end of time, Will Farrell is not Ghostbusters material, I doubt Dave Chappelle… hell, he doesn't even appear to have done anything memorable…

by sinister1

18 years, 7 months ago

Just because an actor is a good comedian, doesnt mean he can pull off the more subtle GB humour. You need the type of actor who can be serious and thats what's funny about him. None of the GB characters are EVER wacky. It's the fact that they're not trying to make jokes (except Venkman) that makes them funny.

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

I do believe though if they go to sony with the idea of using Vince Vaughn and company it has a better shot of being made then if they go to them with the idea of bringing back the old cast. I know its kind crazy, but what about this for our 4 busters

Vince Vaughn
Will Farrell
Owen Wilson
Dave Chappelle

That would be straight up comedy. I would love to see the old guys back for one more ride, but I am sure sony isn't confident in having people who haven't done or had a succesful movie in years try to bring back the Ghostbusters. They probly feel the name alone couldn't save the film.

what you say doesn't make sense at all…
and your choice of actors… lol
Vince Vaughn sucks so much… Wedding Crashers wasn't even funny…
and Will Farrell? let him stick to his Talladega crap…
Owen Wilson… I dunno… he's ok but he's not Ghostbuster material…
and who the hell is Dave Chappelle? lol

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 7 months ago

what you say doesn't make sense at all…
and your choice of actors… lol
Vince Vaughn sucks so much… Wedding Crashers wasn't even funny…
and Will Farrell? let him stick to his Talladega crap…
Owen Wilson… I dunno… he's ok but he's not Ghostbuster material…
and who the hell is Dave Chappelle? lol

Interesting points, though I think most would disagree.

Vince Vaughn is a great actor and very Bill Murray like in his delivery. He could fit.
Will Farrell is too wacky and wouldn't fit in Ghostbusters (so we agree here)
Owen Wilson is a good comedian, but like you said, I don't see him fitting into any of the parts of the GBs
Dave Chappelle, while I don't think he would fit in GB, you must be kidding in asking who he is. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know who Dave Chappelle is.