Reitman Empire Interview - a little on Ghostbusters III

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 7 months ago

would Charlie Murphy be GB material, How about Dane Cook as well

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

And I have no idea who those guys are…

It's ironic, as I wouldn't mind seeing unknown actors… but Murphy appears to be linked to Chapelle, from what little I've seen I'm not sure if their comedy would be right.

But then, I only saw Chapelle in Blue Heat and I've never seen Murphy.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 7 months ago

Dane Cook, while one of my favorite comedians, I think would be too wacky for GB, but he could possibly work. The guy who he really sounds and sorta looks like though, Ryan Reynolds, now he has always been my pick for a new Ghostbusters movie.

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Agreed, Reynold's has been on my potential list since I saw Blade: Trinity

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 7 months ago

I do believe though if they go to sony with the idea of using Vince Vaughn and company it has a better shot of being made then if they go to them with the idea of bringing back the old cast. I know its kind crazy, but what about this for our 4 busters

Vince Vaughn
Will Farrell
Owen Wilson
Dave Chappelle

That would be straight up comedy. I would love to see the old guys back for one more ride, but I am sure sony isn't confident in having people who haven't done or had a succesful movie in years try to bring back the Ghostbusters. They probly feel the name alone couldn't save the film.

Now I really doubt that kind of line-up could work at all. For one thing, like I suggested in my first post, all those big name actors would be far too expensive. And it would make the GB film far too wacky and zany. Now supposing Sony would hire any of these guys for GB3, I think Vince Vaughn could be a good GB, since he does have the ability to act seriously pretty good. But there could only be one of the other three on the cast or else it would just be too comedic for a GB film. As for all those of you against Will Ferrell, you apparently haven't seen him much in what made him so famous to begin with: his Saturday Night Live skits. Throughout the years in SNL, Ferrell has been able to be comedic more in the wacky sense like most of his films, and also comedic in a more subtle tone. While he probably is best at being wacky and that's what he's most well-known for, I definitely think he could still do a great job keeping his performance as a GB serious, while also being able to let out a little bit of his wacky side at the right times. But like I've said before, I really doubt Sony will want to pay the big bucks for actors like Ferrell in GB3, and I don't think they should have to. Four no-name actors could do fine as the GBs. And maybe even to give it a unique twist compared to the previous films and possibly attract a greater female audience, there could be a girl GB in GB3. If it would increase likelihood of success for the film, then I'm all for it.

by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

I would go with unknowns as well or at least, some of the lesser known actors out there. But only if they were right for the characters that are written and have the acting and comedic talents which are required for a Ghostbusters movie. They'd be cheaper to use plus they'd make the characters feel more beleivable. Nobody could say “I've seen him on that tv show before” or “I know him from ” etc.

Apart from the lesser knowns. here's a few people that I think may be right for a Ghostbusters movie.

I think that David Krumholtz is an actor that would fit approapriatly into a Ghostbusters film. I've seen him in a few things and he's good. He has the comedic talent and acting ability. Anyone else know this guy?

I was thinking Jack Black. I know he's seen as pretty wild but after seeing him in King Kong, he proved that he can in fact, tone it down when he needs to and deliver a more dramatic performance.

John Tuturro. A great actor and well established in Hollywood now. Delivers powerful performances but can also do comedy.

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

Doctor Venkman
Interesting points, though I think most would disagree.

Vince Vaughn is a great actor and very Bill Murray like in his delivery. He could fit.
Will Farrell is too wacky and wouldn't fit in Ghostbusters (so we agree here)
Owen Wilson is a good comedian, but like you said, I don't see him fitting into any of the parts of the GBs
Dave Chappelle, while I don't think he would fit in GB, you must be kidding in asking who he is. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know who Dave Chappelle is.

you cannot compare Murray's acting to Vince Vaughn… Vaughn does funny stuff but since he doesn't look either sarcastic of funny he's just boring…
Will Farrell is boring too…
Owen Wilson, like I said, is kind of funny but not a ghostbuster…
and Dave who? I don't watch much crap so I don't know who most of those nobody names are… I think chapelle means church in french… :p
for most of you all he probably woudn't fit neither but I always wanted Jim Carrey to be a ghostbuster if they ever did a new GB movie…
and for the rest of you all… you people make me sick… (joking)
and I want a GB-girl too… crappy sony should just make GB3-Hellbent where the original cast would pass the torch to the Extreme Ghostbusters…

by Peter_Randall

18 years, 7 months ago

sony should just make GB3-Hellbent where the original cast would pass the torch to the Extreme Ghostbusters…

Never repeat that sentiment again, not even as a joke.

by fomeboy

18 years, 7 months ago

sony should just make GB3-Hellbent where the original cast would pass the torch to the Extreme Ghostbusters


by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, and each character can have a cool sounding name like Zack or Kyle. I mean, Who's called Egon Spengler? It just aint cool dude!

Instead of that silly cadallac they drive, why not give them each a Ferrari?

And while we're at it, let's throw in a couple of nice young girls in short skirts.

Hey, the Pussycat Dolls could even do the theme song to the movie this time around.

Brett ratner could direct as well, I mean, Reitman just isnt hip enough.

Oh, by the way, in case anybody didn't catch on I was being SARCASTIC.