Reitman it will shoot in the next year

by ectobc

15 years, 2 months ago


EXCLUSIVE: ‘Ghostbusters 3’ Script Is In, Ivan Reitman Confirms He WILL Direct

Posted 31 minutes ago by Adam Rosenberg in Hot Stuff, News

A few weeks ago, “Ghostbusters” writer and star Harold Ramis revealed that the long-awaited third movie in the series is planned for a 2011 release. This news broke only a short time after "Avatar" star Sigourney Weaver speculated that Bill Murray's character Pete Venkman might appear in the movie as a slimer ghost, and that Oscar, her character's son from the second movie, would be a full-fledged Ghostbuster.
Ivan Reitman, director and producer of the first two movies, stopped to chat with MTV's Josh Horowitz last night on the National Board of Review red carpet in New York City. He shied away from addressing Weaver's spoiler-y speculation, but he did have some things to say about the general state of development for "Ghostbusters III."

Reitman said that the script from “Year One” writers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky is in and that a second draft is currently in the works. He also confirmed that he will indeed be returning to direct the coming sequel, as had been previously speculated.
"They have delivered a draft,“ Reitman said of the script's progress. ”We are working our way through another draft… good work is being done and all of us have our fingers crossed.“
What he wouldn't do was address exactly what that ”good work“ entailed. Asked about Weaver's recent comments, Reitman laughed and kept things light.
”I'm not going to comment on what's in the script and on what Sigourney may or may not have said,“ he told us. ”She's been so busy on ‘Avatar,’ I've not been able to find her. There's some very cool things in the new draft, let's just put it that way.“
Reitman was all business again when the talk turned back to the schedule. ”I hope to start shooting in this next year,“ he said, giving weight to Ramis' recent comments about a planned 2011 release.
Then the bomb dropped. Asked if he would be returning to direct ”Ghostbusters III,“ Reitman answered with a simple and unequivocal ”Yes." It's good to see the old gang all getting back together, isn't it?

by ectobc

15 years, 2 months ago

Sorry tried posting the video but it did not work. Just click on the link.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 2 months ago

I´m dying to see all this getting green light and for watching some officials reports confirming it… finally, I think it is happening.
Thanks for sharing.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 2 months ago

More good news, and things continue to keep moving forward.

Exciting indeed.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 2 months ago

Doctor Venkman;158400
Exciting indeed.

no offense but when I saw this it reminded me of egon at winstons birthday party “im having a wonderful time” lol

by batman2

15 years, 2 months ago

Very good news indeed.

If I remember right the guys from the office wrote the first draft and according to Dan & Harold they were adding there spin on the draft so that would be the second draft that Ivan was talking about waiting for.

We just need Sony to come out now and say the project is a go, 2011 looks like a very good year for films.

by deadderek

15 years, 2 months ago

This is just ALL sorts of awesome sauce. Let's just wait and see about the official greenlight….

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 2 months ago

Keeping my expectations very low. The idea of Peter being a ghost sounds retarded, and I have a feeling this movie will be waaaaaay more campy than GB2. Not to say that GB2 was bad, because it wasn't, but I was always hoping for a more scary and serious tone, like the first movie.

Also, Reitman has been awful over the past decade. Let Jason Reitman do it.

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

It's encouraging to hear that Ivan would be directing a third movie should it start filming, but I'm not getting excited until on-the-set photos appear of the guys in uniform, and then I won't get properly excited until the teaser trailer goes online.

However I'm still skeptical of the Year One writers, there wasn't a thing I liked about the trailer for that film, other than Jack Black, but I wouldn't want him in a Ghostbusters film.

by gbfan11

15 years, 2 months ago

However I'm still skeptical of the Year One writers, there wasn't a thing I liked about the trailer for that film, other than Jack Black, but I wouldn't want him in a Ghostbusters film.

I was pleasantly surprised by year one, don't let the trailers fool you, I thought it was a pretty funny, enjoyable film.