"remastered"ghostbusters is not formatted right

by staypuft_chick

23 years, 3 months ago

Okay…has anyone else noticed that in certain parts of the remastered GB1 they didn't format it correctly? Fr example have noticed it in two different scenes. The scene where Venkman asks Dana out after her symphony practice and he s spinning…in the original you could see a man on roller skates off to one side spinning first and Venkman kinda copied him s it doesnt make SENSE! And another…at the end when the mayr lets them attempt to stop all of the madness and they pull up to the building..Venkma gets of the ambulence and says something like “i love that shirt” and u dont know what he's talking about in the new one. In the orginal a by-stander was wearing a GB t-shirt and he was obviously talking about that. And is it just my imagination or did it SHOW stay-puft stepping on the church in the original version??? AHHH!

by back

23 years, 3 months ago


Are we in the same boat here? good eye (well ears too)! i thought that there was something odd between the 2 but ive never looked that close! *pops in DVD* gotta go, i have to see this one for myself!smile
im gone.

by Dr.Mays

23 years, 3 months ago

Is it pan and scan or wide screen?

sounds like a pan and scan problem peeps.


by vgirl

23 years, 3 months ago

Mine has that in it, maybe I got a good copy.

by Twister

23 years, 3 months ago

I don't have the remastered GB, but I have the second one…most of it looks redone and it looks like hell

by d_osborn

23 years, 3 months ago

are you talking about vhs or dvd? you HAVE to see the dvd. widescreen gb will cause the planets to align, bringing peace and harmony to the universe. all living things will be capable of beautiful communication, and we will all live hapily ever after……
uh…what the heck did i just type?
uh….the widescreen gb is cool, watch it.

by staypuft_chick

23 years, 3 months ago

okay..im using this really freaking old puter at my school's library right now so this is gonna be short and sweet. Coz this thing may very well be a commodore 64…and i swear there is a place somewhere on here to put atari games in…….ANYHOW i was talking about the VHS..the 80's original version VS the new remastered one. BTW my b-day is next friday…sent me stay puft dolls for my car…“stay-puft marshmallow car” smile!

- “Luv, peace and Chicken Grease” (a Franny Klein quote)


by NetSolo

23 years, 3 months ago

I was going to say… you HAD to have been watching a Paned and Scaned version of the film because the skater is clearly on the DVD.

Has anyone been watching the new pan and scan version that HBO ran of the film a few days ago? Interesting how they decided to cut between the guys while they're on the elevator as opposed to the gross looking electronic pan that Starz and Encore were using earlier. Add this one onto the variation list.

by Spike

23 years, 3 months ago

The video version of GB2 I have cuts off the kid at the start that says ‘aw, I thought it was gonna be He-Man’, making it look like the kid next to him is a ventriloquist or something…

by missjanine

23 years, 3 months ago

My copy of the GB DVD has everything I remember from the video (I have the original 80s release of the vid, and I've watched it a LOT). It has the skater, and yes, it shows Stay-Puft stepping on the church. If you don't have the DVD, GET IT! There's so much stuff on it you'd love that's not on the video.