remember the old concept art?

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I vaugely remember seeing those some time back…just do not remember where…


16 years ago

I just wallpapered Rob's pic there.

by groschopf1

16 years ago

Thanks, Kingpin!

by groschopf1

16 years ago

I had found a version of that thread previously, but the images didn't work.

By the way, I own a page of inks from the second issue of the Legion series. I'll try to scan that sometime.

It's this page:

by Yehome

16 years ago

Reminds me of a human version of the Peoplebusters.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

who wants to see the art i have it on my computer!!I saved it when it first came out if you want some of the stuff i saved let me know give me your email and i will get back to ya lol

Love to see it just to know what everyone is talking about(Or not).

Kingpin seriously you know commenting that you know something, and wont tell, is inviting us all to bug you about it. lol

by Kingpin

16 years ago

In regards to my comments on the first page? Three years on I guess it's safe enough.

Back when Sebastien was hyping up the comic, he published the RGB-inspired pieces, something which it turned out he shouldn't have done, something to do with Sony and legal stuff my vague recollection remembers. It then got a bit more ‘serious’ as a artist edited the artwork to remove the “CASE STUDY” stamps, and set it on a background of the Ghostbusters logo as a desktop background. This was apparently a big no-no and led to Clavet asking for the images to be removed.

Nothing probably came of it, but that was back before he'd ruined his reputation with us and we didn't want anything to get screwed up.

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

In regards to my comments on the first page? Three years on I guess it's safe enough.

Back when Sebastien was hyping up the comic, he published the RGB-inspired pieces, something which it turned out he shouldn't have done, something to do with Sony and legal stuff my vague recollection remembers. It then got a bit more ‘serious’ as a artist edited the artwork to remove the “CASE STUDY” stamps, and set it on a background of the Ghostbusters logo as a desktop background. This was apparently a big no-no and led to Clavet asking for the images to be removed.

Nothing probably came of it, but that was back before he'd ruined his reputation with us and we didn't want anything to get screwed up.

yeah, I soo noobed there lol. yeah somehow I didn't notice that was the first page.

by groschopf1

16 years ago

Clavet should contact IDW and beg them to create a trade paperback combining the Legion series with the Other Side series.

Ghostbusters fans on this side of the Atlantic would finally get their Legion in book form (unless they're like me and imported one from the UK). I'm not sure that the Other Side series in TPB form would sell on it's own very well, but it would certainly move if it were compiled into one large book with Legion. Throw in some production art, cover and litho gallery and the Zeddemore Factor, and you've got a hit.

Then again, there's a reason I'm not in marketing. This idea may very well be terrible. As proposed, it would be more 88MPh content than IDW. But it would satiate fan demand.

*Hey Kingpin: how much snow has fallen on the south of England anyways? The Guardian and the BBC keep going on about the snowflakes of death, but nary is there to be found accumulation totals.