Remembrance Sunday

by sinister1

17 years, 3 months ago

This is a British memorial day, but I thought I'd share it with the board.

November 11th marks the anniversary of the end of the First World War and is the day in which we in Britain show our respect and appreciation to those who died in combat over the past century in whatever war. We also pay respects to those currently deployed throughout the world fighting to make the world a better place or just make a small difference to the lives of others. Given the nature of the occasion, I'd like to avoid making this a political debate. But if you'd all be willing to spare a thought for those who died and those who are still fighting for all of us.

“They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.”

by hutch2426

17 years, 3 months ago

Being U.S. Marine, I would like to send my thanks to all those around the world who have served your country proud, in the past, present, and will in the future. Sinister, I have fought and trained with the Royal Marines and I must say they are some of the must ruthless, illmannered, short tempered people I have ever had the privilege to fight with, I thank you all.

by sinister1

16 years, 4 months ago

We're coming up to that day again, so once again, I'd like to bring this to people's attention and ask that this Sunday, no matter what you're doing or where you are, that at 1100hrs you take a minute just to reflect on those that have died. Whether it be the needless and horrific bloodshed of ‘The Great War’, fighting for our freedom in World War II, or those that have died in combat since, regardless of how we may view the politics surrounding these conflicts.

The military is a tool of policy, and whether we agree or disagree with the reasons our governments send us to war, we should respect those who have the courage to lay their lives on the line for their country, and be willing to die to protect those they've never met.

They deserve our Remembrance.

by hutch2426

16 years, 4 months ago

Good Lord, its already be a year? Well once again I will say thank you to all who have served before me, along with me, and will fight after me… Think you all!

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

I have blood doning on Tuesday the 11th… seems somewhat appropriate for it to fall on Armistice Day.

And the High Wycombe war memorial, just a short three minute walk from where I denoate has recently been given a major cleanup to remove probably 20 years of muck and grime, and looks utterly fantastic.

Hope you guys have your poppies.

I'd like to thank those who make the sacrifice to fight in the armed forces… and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, it is for you that we mark this day.

by DocFritz

16 years, 4 months ago

We celebrate that here on the Colonies, too–we call it Veteran's Day, but it's the same principle.

My late grandfather served in World War II, and an Uncle was in the service at the time of the Vietnam War; honoring those who served is a no brainer at my house.

by Ally

16 years, 3 months ago

I'm at a job interview during the two minuets silence tommorow, I hope we still do it though. Last year I was in a line for a concert and we where the only ones who did two minuets silence, which I found quite disrespectful!

by hutch2426

16 years, 2 months ago

Hope all is good in parts of the world been gone for a few weeks doin a work up…. Was actually wondering if they did the moment of silence at your job interview yesterday…