REMINDER - 88mph Alternative

by DemonicGozer

15 years, 7 months ago

Anybody know where I can purchase this in the U.S.?

by GB3

15 years, 5 months ago

There is another seller on ebay offering the Titan GB: Legion trade, brand new at a buy it now option:

Me and someone else bought one already and theres two left from the seller. I think the price is great and a can't miss. ‘Cause the UK’s currency is really expensive in their pounds sterling for Canada or the US dollar. The sellers low price is great. Now I can finally read the
Zeddemore Factor. Still wished the 88MPH trade would come out but looks that was a
crisis as well as the 88MPH hardcover. This alternative trade is worth it I think.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

15 years, 3 months ago

Say, would it be possible for someone around here to scan & upload the “Zeddemore Factor” for all the lovely ghostheads to read? I mean, that's not against the rules right? I paid for the damn hardcover, and 5 years later it still hasn't come!!!! But legally I (and countless others) have a right to see it, right? So someone should scan that thing. That's all I'm saying….


by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 3 months ago

Say, would it be possible for someone around here to scan & upload the “Zeddemore Factor” for all the lovely ghostheads to read? I mean, that's not against the rules right? I paid for the damn hardcover, and 5 years later it still hasn't come!!!! But legally I (and countless others) have a right to see it, right? So someone should scan that thing. That's all I'm saying….


Technically, yes, you have the right to see it. In the form you paid for.

It would still be technically illegal for someone to scan and distribute the comic, because they don't have distribution rights, and they can't ensure that “only those who paid for the hardcover” will be the ones to see it.


15 years, 3 months ago

Just buy your copy from Graham Crackers, ya cheapskate!

by doorman

14 years, 8 months ago

Looks like Graham Crackers is all sold out of 'em, now.