Replica Ectomobile Roll-Out!

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

Okay guys. I've visited this website hundreds and hundreds of times for reference photos, general nostalgia, and to check all the cool works of fans of Ghostbusters.

But I think this is really my first time posting on the forums.

Last night around midnight I finished my Ectomobile replica. It is largely done, save for some fiddly bits like a few antennas, warning stickers, and the side tubes.

Now I will tell you several things:

1) It is an ectomobile replica, not a Cadillac replica.
2) Liberties were taken on the roofrack and on the layout of the design so as to make the car look as good as possible on its own
3) I know forums all too-well, and they usually have a large number of nit-picking fanboys who will pounce upon the tiniest deviation in detail, yet do not have the skill, the intelligence, nor most importantly, the determination and desire to make their own props or cars. Hats off to all the guys who actually hunkered down and made their movie fancies real. The only criticism on this car I will take to heart will be from Dan Akyroyd or Venkman71.
4) The car is 100% street-legal, meaning we can run the lights and the siren in daylight or at night and not worry about pesky police-impersonation or traffic laws.

and finally…

5) The car is completely badass. If you stand back and look at it, at the months spent doodling little pvc frames, at the days spent rummaging through ever second-hand store/junkyard/container store in the state, and the hours upon hours of working on a problem only to realize your original plan wouldn't work, causing you to smash your brain into a wall repeatedly until an alternative, if not better, idea comes to mind…. it is truly amazing.

So, if you can handle that, do you want to see it?


by GBexpert.

18 years, 5 months ago


by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

It needs the blue side tubes, and the small green box on the roof. If I can scrounge enough money, we'll be buying purple domes for the lights.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 5 months ago

Nice GB car.

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

haha, thanks!

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Simple, but effective. She's come out well.

However, you should be willing to take some criticism if it is warrented. We're not all raving fanboys here and usually criticism would be voiced for a reason.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 5 months ago

I wasn't joking.
I just said it was a nice GB car.
Looks a little bit like the GB car from Braxtan in a way.

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I'll take some criticism. Info and suggestions are very welcome.

If someone could photoshop a red stripe to act as an echo of the fin, that would be incredibly helpful.

I was just being prepared for someone to go “Psssh, it's not a cadillac, it sucks”. At which point I kick them in the throat or… something.

As I said, it isn't even REALLY done yet. I need the red binocs and the white radome and the little clear radome, still. And I am fighting temptations to make them all out of pvc pipe.

The car is currently tested at 57mph, we took it down some empty streets here in town with chase vehicles looking to see what was wobbling. It's solid as a rock right now.

Eh… braxtan. I was so hoping that this would be the only ectomobile in Colorado…

Anyway, ours is more “faithful” than many others, mainly in that it's a white wagon.

I took a lot of ideas from the Sim-1 Ecto guys, and I was hoping that the Outback (as opposed to a taurus or other wagon) would look either more muscular, sleeker, or at least more modern. What do you guys think?

It's 4-wheel drive, has speakers on top for the siren (and songs), but it defintely isn't a '59 cadillac with oh-so-frickin-sweet fins…


by GBexpert.

18 years, 5 months ago


If someone could photoshop a red stripe to act as an echo of the fin, that would be incredibly helpful.

PHOTOSHOP?!! I use MS panit what do you think… I like #2

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

Haha… yeah. It cannot look like the fins on the original car.

It also needs to be really subtle, I was thinking more along the lines of a pin stripe or a small “swoosh”