Replica Ectomobile Roll-Out!

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

Simple, but effective. She's come out well.

hahahaha, ohh King, she ain't even done yet!

Just wait til I get my tubes and antennas and… ah… everything…

so cool!

by fusi0n1

18 years, 5 months ago

Great work Boomerjinks, she's a beaut! It's come out looking really classy. Don't forget to post us final touch pics so we can see it in all its glory.

by GBexpert.

18 years, 5 months ago

Saw the car on Youtube Nice! the siren perfect! I was amazed! :-O

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 5 months ago

yeah, it was awesome!..

here's the link everyone :

by spengs1

18 years, 5 months ago

As for joining you… what are you? Tell me more!

Based on the positive things you told us in your post, I think you and your friends would be a great addition to Ghostbusters International®. GBI is like a type of role playing fan club for Ghostbusters. Where you run a fictional “business,” a “franchise” as they're called. Based one one of the original concepts written by Dan and Harold. Unfortunately or maybe not, the concept didn't make the movies.

“Franchises have websites to promote there ”business“ by showing off your ”uniforms,“ (costumes) ”equipment,“ (props) any action shots, additionally there can be franchise media and case files.

Ghostbusters International® is also so much more. If I've peaked your interest please see our website, reading over our About and Join sections. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me or contact me and/or GBI on the ”company" forums.

by Boomerjinks

18 years, 5 months ago

There it is… bear in mind that I still have the tubes and a bunch of gadgets to put on the roof!

I love having free doors like that…

Instead of two GINORMOUS tanks on one side, we opted to make a pair of “dualies”, four tanks attaches twins… Another deviation from the original, but this was for the sake of adding detail where the was none.

Close-up of rack… check out the speaker…

Paid some high schoolers to clean and detail the interior of my car… everything is now a shiny black… slicker than a lizard in Jerry Lewis's hair. Black and red 12-gauge cables run twirling over my dash and into the front fender from my door… gives the interior a nice ‘mechanical’ feel… slightly.

Control box and cd player for outer sound… switches are reated for high amperage. Going to add rocker safety switches just for kicks… the goal is that when we power up the lights, we hit switches that look like they belong on the arming pad for a nuclear weapon!

One of the two side tubes I'll be mounting with magnets this week.

Now I am going off to work on the binocs…. tell me what you think!


by ghostbusterraystantz

18 years, 5 months ago

That has to be one of the COOLEST Ecto conversions I've ever seen. AwEsOmE job. LOVE IT, ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!

by Dreamstalker

18 years, 4 months ago

I love it…nice work!

I've seen the Big Red Switches™ at a few computer modding suppliers if you're still looking for them…