It's a good idea, even if it's a longshot I nominate Doc Ryedale. Definitly him, he knows a lot about this site and what's going on.*Stares at Computer Screen in happiness, realizing someone thinks he should be a Reserve Mod* :s

Vego, you have know idea how much that means to me. And I'd love to be a Mod. I login every day. Literarily. I've done my best to get along with everyone, and I pretty much do. I've been a Ghostbuster/Ghosthead ever since the day I was born, July 1, 1986 (And yes, I know I have the same Birthday as Dan Aykroyd!

). I've learned a great deal about Ghostbusters ever since then, and I find it wonderful to help out fellow Ghostheads, whether it be answering questions, posting links, or just helping out. I love to spread Positivity. And it doesn't take a Slime Blower to show a little kindness.
If I was given the offer to be a Mod, I'd definitely say YES!!!! right away.
There are a whole lot of other people on this site whom I think are worthy of beings Mods/Reserve Mods, too.
*Hands LordVego a Subway Meatball Sub*
Here, this is a gift from a friend to a friend. :s
