Reserve Mods

by borzou99

21 years, 10 months ago

I know that I can't mod all of the boards, that's why I've chosen to hover over 2-3 forums that way I can manage it better. I think each mod needs to take charge of a couple of forums, that way work gets done more effectively.

by PenguinKing

21 years, 10 months ago

i think it's funny how everyone is scrambling to try and be a mod. i agree with the rest of the mods, i can't even imagine what kind of crap they have to put with, and on top all that they've got to deal with screwed up regulars like me. enjoy the liberty you have being a member and not a mod. and if you want to have the “presitge” or whatever it is you're all after just help members out like mods do, you don't have to have any great power to guide others to threads or info they need. or even to help keep the chat a clean and healthy environment. just be a good member of the community it's all you really need.

“with great power comes great responsiblity”

go get em mods (so i don't have to deal with em)

by MasterSpider

21 years, 10 months ago

Penguin King is right. You can do almost as much as the mods do to keep things in order without having the title under your name, which is the way I look at it…


21 years, 10 months ago

Now your getting it!