Resident Evil 5

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Is there anyone here who is excited over the anticipation of this game? I know I am. I just cannot wait for the return of the Wesker goodness…and with the game just a few short weeks away from release I figured I would go ahead and start a discussion thread about it.

For you RE Fans out there…what are you hoping to see in this game. I know for me, I want to see some closure that RE4 didn't provide. Don't get me wrong, RE4 was a great zombie game…but it wasn't that good of a Resident Evil game. It just seemed like all the plot and subplot threads they have been sowing since the games introduction were wiped away and the whole thing was restarted from scratch.

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years ago

Well given the “separate ways” with Ada, the Parasite from RE4 seems to be combined with the Viruses developed in the RE series to create the infected in RE5. So no light-sensitive creatures since some of the action is set in high noon. I can't wait.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

We will see. I personally cannot wait. Got an opinion on the gravestone ad? (trying not to give too much away for those who have not seen said ad yet)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

As a life-long RE fan… I've got mixed feelings on this game. I don't think I'd really feel comfortable with all the zombies being black.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

All the “zombies” are not going to be black. Most recent screenshots have shown a varying catalog of “zombie” races (not that it really matters). Granted a large majority of them will be but what do you expect…The game takes place in Africia.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

Really? Cause my thing is: I avoid screen shots/demos to video games like the plague until I get to actually play it myself and not have anything ruined. Hence me avoiding the GBVG thread like it's the f'ing plague.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Ya, when the first video's of the game came out there was a huge f-ing dea about it…people calling it stereotypical racist imagery (which I think is a bunch of bull if you take into consideration WHERE the game takes place.) The next video's after that had a more racially diverse cast of zombies (still native to the region though) and a African American partner.

by sinister1

16 years ago

As a life-long RE fan… I've got mixed feelings on this game. I don't think I'd really feel comfortable with all the zombies being black.

See I just don't get this. Have a game where you kill zombie infected inhabitants of a country, then if you set it in Britain, most of the zombies will be white, same with America - that's why the term ‘minority’ exists. Set the game in Africa, then most of the zombies will be black. How is this a problem? Why is it ok for a character to gun down viral infected white folk in a white dominated country, but not to gun down viral infected black folk in a black dominated country? Is it because the character is white? Should that really make a difference?

It's like Hitman 2 being pulled because certain levels had enemies wearing turbans. Set the game in a certain place and it would be ridiculous NOT to have enemies wearing turbans.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Why is it ok for a character to gun down viral infected white folk in a white dominated country, but not to gun down viral infected black folk in a black dominated country? Is it because the character is white? Should that really make a difference?

Because white, 20s to 40s, white, middle class men are one of the most discriminated social groups on the planet, and it's apparently okay to do it because we're not a minority of some kind.

I do get tired of this “racism by proxy”, where these idiot talking heads say something is offensive when it's just accurately portraying a region of the planet. One of the original people complaining about Resident Evil 5 blatently didn't know much of the series, as the majority of the past Resident Evil games have had zombies that appeared to be caucasians.

by Yehome

16 years ago

Did spanish people yelled “racism” when RE4 showed up?


I think Capcom should NOT have changed their mind by putting asian, arabs and caucasian in AFRICA.
It's LAME and so are the people thinking that the game is racist.

Edit: Yeah, I'm also looking forward for the game and I expect any one of you to play with my on co-op.