Resident Evil 5

by RickyM

16 years ago


lets not start a race debate lol last thing we want

i never played resident evil 4, infact resident evil 1 i never completed, same for 2 and 3, they are massively hard games but really really enjoyable and scare the shit outta me, but next gen RE is a must play cuz it will be like real time zombies, i played the demo, they are brilliant, and hard as hell, i hate running low on ammo so you gotta run till you find some, thats annoying, but also exactly what it would be like in real life, brilliant, will buy keep me busy till GB:TVG, Godfather 2 and mafia 2 good times

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years ago

It is kinda understandable from a non-video gamer point of view of the stereotype issue. There were tests done before of people feeling very uncomfortable at the beginning cut scenes that one alone white guy walking in a town with very human looking but “dangerous” looking blacks (more so then the people of the rural town in Spain). Granted in America race regardless of how from we come, has a history of negatively stereotyping minorities that just don't easily wash away and the scene of a mob of black “savagely” attacking one white guy to a person unfamiliar to the RE series would have raised some eyebrows (think when your mother walks in on you and her eyes gape open from the cutscenes).

That said Capcom developed the new partner system with an African agent to side with. Note, Capcom has not, in the past game history, ever really have a seriously decent character of African decent (Balrog? Mike Tyson-parody thug, Elena? Storm of the x-men including white hair and blue eyes, DJ? Jamaican with the HUGE toothy grin, and Dudley? British boxer with the gentlemen rules of boxer acting largely upper-crust) Only four characters in the Street Fighter history yet never on the same level like Ken, Ryu, Guile, Chun-Li, Cammy and Sakura. So it was cool that Capcom realized the reaction from the beginning cutscene showing and retooled the ethnic makeup of the infected (for a while, Africa has a minority of India, Asian and White that's not really expressed upon, not only just black people; seriously with apartheid in Africa for some many years, there are some other ethnic people there outside of just the local residents) and included the new special agent in that region (more of in active role then Luis in RE4, liked him, wish I could have played as him, too bad he died, guess that's why the racism level was not as high, place a character of the area to side with the hero), hope Capcom doesn't kill her off otherwise I'll be pissed.

If anyone ever watch The Bookdocks, and after watching the initial opening of RE5, a couple of my friends and I joked that the character Uncle Ruckus would go out and buy a 360 and RE5 just to play the white guy shooting a bunch of “African Hooligans”.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Well I apologize. I wasn't trying to get a racial conversation / argument going…

Back to the point: Has anyone played the Demo? What were your thoughts?

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years ago

Well I apologize. I wasn't trying to get a racial conversation / argument going…

Back to the point: Has anyone played the Demo? What were your thoughts?

No problem, RE5 did spark some sensitive topics and may start up again when released in the states.

Back on the subject: play the demo, freakin hard as heck, and after getting used to the speed of Left 4 Dead, it's going to take some time to readjust to RE pacing.

by Yehome

16 years ago

I loved it and so did my girlfriend. The co-op is great.

The bosses are hard though.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

No problem, RE5 did spark some sensitive topics and may start up again when released in the states.

Back on the subject: play the demo, freakin hard as heck, and after getting used to the speed of Left 4 Dead, it's going to take some time to readjust to RE pacing.

I know what ya mean man. I personally liked the second map of the demo just because it was a little more spread out than than the first map. I like a lot of the new features such as the quick map and weapon change.

by pinkandblack84

16 years ago

i played the demo and it looks pretty cool tbh, i love the RE series along with a few others but i cant wait to see what twists and storyline developments they put into this one RE4 imo was the best one in the entire series to date so that will be hard to beat the series for me is moving in a great direction.

by JimPhelps

16 years ago

I don't know about this one. I played the demo for it a while back, and after playing games lately such as Call of Duty WAW and, Left for Dead, GTA IV, etc, the controls just feel too clunky and cumbersome to me. I just couldn't get into it. Everything about it feels wrong, like this is not how a game should be made to play. Just my opinion though. I loved the first 3 so its not like I never have played one of these before.

When does it come out anyway?

by Moxifloxacin

15 years, 11 months ago

I can't wait for it to come out. I haven't seen too much about it and I didn't get to play the demo. (Because I'm stuck in the pre-pharmacy hole where nothing else exists) I hear it's kinda in the same style as RE4 and I honestly couldn't stand that game. The best I got was through the first half of Code Veronica X. It'll be a nice change of pace from Banjo Kazooie and DDR (*peter)

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 11 months ago

The game is beyond words. Thats all I can say ATM