Resident Evil 5

by sinister1

15 years, 11 months ago

I don't know about this one. I played the demo for it a while back, and after playing games lately such as Call of Duty WAW and, Left for Dead, GTA IV, etc, the controls just feel too clunky and cumbersome to me. I just couldn't get into it. Everything about it feels wrong, like this is not how a game should be made to play. Just my opinion though. I loved the first 3 so its not like I never have played one of these before.

When does it come out anyway?

I know what you mean…

I enjoyed Resident Evil 4, but… I;m not sure I enjoyed it AS a RE game… Considering the only thing Resident Evil about it was Leon and Ada and a brief appearance from the great and powerful Wesker… it was by and large just a shoot em up frankly…

I adore Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica X, Remake, 0 and Outbreak 1&2. They were amazing games, my favourite of which being 2 and Remake. Followed closely by CVX. The thing about them was that they simply had exactly the right combination of pace, atmosphere, tension, supplies issues and beautifully rendered locales. In fact, after the stunning visuals of the mansion in Resident Evil Remake, RE4 seemed a bit of a disapointment in that it was almost backtracking… why must a full 3D environment be used with an over the shoulder camera angle, when they proved in Remake that the old format can STILL work today?

Don't get me wrong, I'm anxiously awaiting RE5, but that's for the storyline which I'm desperate for, gameplay wise, I couldn't care less.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 11 months ago

Don't get me wrong. I liked Resident Evil Alot. It was a great game. I just thought it was a horrible Resident Evil game (if you get what I mean). And RE 5 is shaping up to be similiar. Atleast Wesker has a bigger part in this one. And thats a big seller for me.


Apparently Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi hinted to a possible Resident Evil 6 in an interview with 1UP by stating that RE6 will be a complete reboot. Considering what I know about RE5 thus far…that makes perfect sense…