Return of the old board's GBIII poster guy

by fixer791

18 years ago

The model was part of ‘Ghostbusters: The Next Generation’ which is, as far as I'm aware still stuck in production.

I remember you mentioning the inclusion of Stay Puft in the background back during one of the first times someone had stolen it to sell on T-Shirts, Cliff… still bugs me when that happens.

I of course am greedy, and would love to see a revamp and a whole new design, but that's me. Shame you've decided agaist the Trap angle (Although I can sympathise to why) as there's good photo reference of the Traps from the DVDs now.

I look forward to seeing what you make, though… one more original new GB logo design and one less person using that ‘three finger’ varient of the GBII logo, the better.

Right, GB: The next generation… I could be wrong, but I think I've seen some stills from that project. It looked pretty darn good… Can't wait to see their finished result…

As for people who adapt or use the logo, I really have no problem with that. Of course I prefer that they ask me first or mention my name somewhere, but I realize that sometimes, like in Ectoman's case, they don't know where to contact me.
I know that the original poster had my signature and (old) e-mail address on it… But apparently that was pretty rapidly cut off. That'll teach me for putting it in the black frame at the very bottom of the poster

In the end I feel honored that people want to use it. In fact it's the biggest compliment I could get because it shows that they like what I did.

Of course, some people abused it and printed it on T-shirts and whathaveya to sell on Ebay… That's another case entirely… I wasn't too thrilled about THAT show of appreciation…
On the other hand…I remember a lot of Ghostheads, including Kingpin,
stood up for me when they found out someone was making money off the poster and that really showed me what a close brotherhood the Ghostbusters community is.

Thank you very much for the support, guys… I really appreciate it!
You guys are the best!

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Right, GB: The next generation… I could be wrong, but I think I've seen some stills from that project. It looked pretty darn good… Can't wait to see their finished result…

There's still some leftovers floating around these cloggy old Interweb tubes… I might even have some on my hard drive. It looked great, and I hope that despite the look of things it'll eventually see light.

On the other hand…I remember a lot of Ghostheads, including Kingpin,
stood up for me when they found out someone was making money off the poster and that really showed me what a close brotherhood the Ghostbusters community is.

Helps when you have a DeviantArt gallery Cliff… and like I said then us fan artists have got to stick together… only a few months back I found out someone had uploaded one of my DVD cover designs… even though it'd been made for fan community use as that person hadn't asked permission I saw the only response was to be to take it down and reupload the one in my gallery with a smaller, watermarked image.

In addition to that, given how light we've been on new artistic ventures excluding such people like Rich working on Ghostbusters: Apocalypse, we need to nurture as much artistic talen we can get.

by fixer791

18 years ago

Like you said, Kingpin, maybe watermarks aren't such a bad idea after all…
I've always avoided using them because they can spoil the look of the artwork, but I think that I'll use them as well in the future…
It might be sad, but it's the only weapon we have against them artwork scavengers…

Anyway… About that GB: Next Generation project…
I think I mistook it for the upcoming GB Generation… I've seen pictures and the trailer for THAT. (And it looked downright awesome!)

I don't think I remember seeing any pix or artwork for GB: Next generation though… I've searched the board here but wasn't able to find anything about it.
I'd be grateful if you or anyone could give a link to some images. I'd really like to see them.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

GBHQ - Ghostbusters: The Next Generation

They're not the most up-to-date stuff he'd worked on, I'd been privvy to some more developed shots of the car and Firehouse… but sadly he hasn't got a site for it at the moment.

by jay_tigran1

18 years ago

whooooooooooo :-)

fixer rulz!!!!!!!!!!

by heslimedme251

18 years ago

I know how you mean with the watermarks, they do get in the way or make an image look less effective. but sometimes it's the only, i just hope i don't have to watermark my deviant pics (look at that, i made a funny - who would use my pics willingly?) can't wait for a redux or a new logo completely tho fixer!


by fixer791

18 years ago

Thanks, Jason

For those who are still interested in new art from me, I'll post a few old designs. Both are rough idea sketches for a GB IV logo and were drawn at the end of July 2002.

This time, posting these designs doesn't mean I've decided not to use them in a future GB poster though… I still rather like them, actually…
Especially the second one, the one on the rough poster mock-up…

Anyway… Just wanted to show y'guys something. Curious to know what you think of these…

See ya later,


by ecto_plasmic1

18 years ago

hey man, awesome concepts.. but it really does remind me of the Fantastic 4 logo. :-)

by Jey

18 years ago

I prefer this one :

Great idea fixer79! If only…

by spengs1

18 years ago

Cliff: Your concept designs are awesome. I could really see the second concept logo on all kinds of merchandise. Darn that gray area of copyright. :p