Return of the old board's GBIII poster guy

by fixer791

18 years ago

Hey Robert, only now do I realize that was you… I knew you were going to the convention (you mentioned it here) but I didn't know the guy in the cool Venkman suit was you.
Darn, we could've had a little chat…
Anyway… That suit was just dynamite man! And it was so cool that Ernie put on your proton pack… It truly was an awesome sight! It was just like the Winston Zeddemore from Ghostbusters II was right there. He looked exactly the same. Hudson hasn't aged at all. Quite remarkable…


Nice pic too fixer, but is that poster photoshopped in there?

Damn, you got me there, Fusion. Saw right through my Photoshop trickery…
In fact, it wasn't even Ernie Hudson on the pic… It was Jon Voight photoshopped to look like Hudson.

No really, I can assure you the pic's real. It's certainly true that I find it hard to resist not to photoshop any picture that comes in my hands though… But not this time

In fact I had brought two copies of the poster. One for mr. Hudson (on which I wrote a little word of appreciation on the back) and one for me. That's the one he signed and the one he's holding on the picture.
I wanted them printed out bigger, but sadly A5 was the largest size the photostore in my neighborhood could print themselves on the same day. Of course I'd had the idea to bring prints to the Dutch convention at the last moment… Typical.

Anyway… I can tell you that I was really nervous handing mr. Hudson his print. It was the first time I actually handed one of my posters to a star of the film I based the poster on. (Except Larry ‘Lion-O’ Kenney whom I sent my ThunderCats poster via e-mail years ago… But that's not the same)
Luckily, he liked the poster very much…
Like I said… He's a great guy!

Here are some more pictures, by the way…

Thanks again for all your encouragement and support, guys. I really appreciate it

by robertknippels1

18 years ago

Hey fixer,

I remember you too. You where sitting there with the question and answer session. Hope that we can talk next time and if you would like it I will arrange some sort of ghostbusters meeting at my place in the future so it would be great if you could also come.

It was a great day. And great pictures with you and winston ( Ernie Hudson ) It gave me a shiver on my back when he was wearing that costume and backpack. Like he was back in the saddle again.

I will also post more pictures soon on my website.

I have to admit I love that poster that you've made. Great that Ernie signed it.

Best regards,


by fusi0n1

18 years ago

Damn, you got me there, Fusion. Saw right through my Photoshop trickery…
In fact, it wasn't even Ernie Hudson on the pic… It was Jon Voight photoshopped to look like Hudson. :p

No really, I can assure you the pic's real. It's certainly true that I find it hard to resist not to photoshop any picture that comes in my hands though… But not this time
Haha! :p

I'm not trying to diss the pic or anything (God, no!) it must just be one of those pictures that look a little off. Like it looks like the picture is just sitting behind 2 of his fingers, and his thumb isn't near it. But then again, it may just be resting on his shoulder.

Great stuff though fixer, keep on posting pics and drawing. Good to see a lot of old posters coming back out of the woodwork again.

by fixer791

18 years ago

robert knippels
Hope that we can talk next time and if you would like it I will arrange some sort of ghostbusters meeting at my place in the future so it would be great if you could also come.

Sounds great, Robert!

I'm not trying to diss the pic or anything (God, no!) it must just be one of those pictures that look a little off. Like it looks like the picture is just sitting behind 2 of his fingers, and his thumb isn't near it. But then again, it may just be resting on his shoulder.

Don't worry, Fusion
Y'know… The first time I saw the pic on my computer screen I thought exactly the same thing. It does look a little off, doesn't it?
I guess he tried to hold it as near to the edge as he could to avoid fingerprints on the photo-paper…

Anyway… Thanks again for the support Rob 'n Fusion

by misfit1

18 years ago

Hey fixer, would you be interested in doing some stuff for GB:Apocalypse? If your interested drop me a line!

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Before I forget, was that one of those paid photo sessions that a number of other conventions have?

Obviously a lot of the time you can get your photo taken whilst they're at the signing desk… but the jumpsuit and way the photos are done says ‘paid photo shoot’ instead of ‘free photo op’.

by robertknippels1

18 years ago

Hello Kingpin,

This was a paid photo shoot. The pictures cost 15 €. And to let it sighn it is also 15€. Ernie sighned my pictures for free because i borrowed the proton pack and goggles. The organisation wanted the money for that but he refused. He was very polite.

Best regards,


by Kingpin

18 years ago

Burns me up more that I missed his in-costume (and GBII Proton Pack wearing) photo session, it'd been the day before I arrived at Collectormania here in the UK.

But one day… one day!

It's my eventual plan to attend, and get a picture taken with Ernie with us in costume… the ultimate geek fantasy.

by robertknippels1

17 years, 12 months ago

Hello Kingpin,

I've heard that Ernie will be back in Holland on 16 and 17 may. So there is always a change to meet him. Here another picture. This man is ready for another Ghostbusters

Best regards,


by Kingpin

17 years, 12 months ago

robert knippels
Hello Kingpin,

I've heard that Ernie will be back in Holland on 16 and 17 may. So there is always a change to meet him. Here another picture. This man is ready for another Ghostbusters

Best regards,


I wish I could justify a trip out to Holland to see him in costume… but it might be a bit creepy.

On a different note… that the dark blue uniform seen in the montage of Ghostbusters II?