Hi guys!
First of all, thanks for your concern and for letting me know

Well spotted, by the way, Heslimedme! Boy, you're alert aren't you?
Anyway, to answer Heslimedme's question…
Nope, they haven't asked me permission to use or change the GBIII logo.
It would've been nice if they would have, but hey…
At least they're using it for a good cause! There's no commercial gain involved or anything.
Unlike that dang-blasted piece of scum who ripped the entire GBIII poster and sold it on a T-shirt on Ebay!
Now THAT was something else! :-@
In fact I'm also rather proud that these guys used
my GB design…
I mean… they used the real Spider-Man poster, Bruce Timm's Superman art and art from the 60's Batman show…all official stuff.
And then they choose to use
my Ghostbusters logo over the official one…
Also, I remember this sort of Smokebusters campaign around my school's playground back in the eighties … Their logo was a modified version of the real GB logo…
Now, it seems like the Smokebusters are back, and they choose my design for their revamped logo…
Yeah, that makes me kinda proud

Thanks again for your support and concern, lads!
You guys are great!
PS: In fact I really should start listening to these ‘stop smoking’ campaigns… (*ray)