Review scores thread

by SolidusR4S

15 years, 8 months ago

True gamer…right. Explain then to me in your logic the success of games with no multiplayer at all such as Mass Effect. Online multiplayer is a selling gimic. I would almost go as far as say a fad

The truth be told, there are no “true gamers” anymore. To quote on Scott Ramsoomair:

“With the Wii and games like Rock Band, it's opened what was once a reclusive hobby to the light of the teeming masses. Now it's trendy to like games.”

Games went many years without multiplayer, online or otherwise, and there were a lot of critical success that were fun to replay over and over and over again without it. Multiplayer is not needed for a game to be appealing and no my friend?that is not the end all beats all in a game..

Rant done…I think

Well I totally agree with you buddy. I'm a gamer for almost 20 years i've seen almost all ups and downs for this industry and what I've experienced is that games are reviewed about the core of the game. It is just that multiplayer is another extra nothing less.

Sure I like going multi like Goldeneye split screen but online almost not. Why? I'm SICK and TIRED of playing with those bastard kids who are always yelling, shouting and cursing they spoiled it just like they are for me going online. Sure i have friends but there not always online. When I play alone or like old times with friends at home single player is a must to show off the game ( In turns playing a level or helping each other if the are stuck).

The point it is not necessary for game to have multi. But if you won't buy it because it doesn't have multi in it than you aren't a gamer cuz a gamer play's on his own as a hobby.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

You do realise that your supposed to play Co-op with people you know?

With people who just want to have fun in the game that are on your friends(or ps3 equivilent.) list in the game and on your team. Your fun levels know NO BOUNDS!

I wouldn't say that, because even friends you know could ruin the fun for you. Even if they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be complete jerks.

I like play around as much as the next person, but sometimes you know it shouldn't be done.

Example, I had a friend one time playing with me on RE5 and he kept killing me with the Rocket Launcher and then deny it blaming it on something else.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;144499
I wouldn't say that, because even friends you know could ruin the fun for you. Even if they are friends, doesn't mean they have to be complete jerks.

I like play around as much as the next person, but sometimes you know it shouldn't be done.

Example, I had a friend one time playing with me on RE5 and he kept killing me with the Rocket Launcher and then deny it blaming it on something else.

I think you need better friends..

Or spend more time with more specific ones :p

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I think you need better friends..

Or spend more time with more specific ones :p

Hmm…maybe I should…

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

ok someone mentioned Mass Effect…

ok, first off that is a RPG game so why would there be multiplayer to that anyways…

We all know Ghostbusters or at least we all SHOULD know that Ghostbusters is gonna be a very linear story driven game. Any time a game has that type of setup, multiplayer plays a HUGE part in replay value…thats why i said true gamer knows that. im speaking for very linear games here..NOT RPG's…whole other type of game.

Someone else mention that they played many games with even touching multiplayer, well then ur just an EXCEPTION because you obviously are just a casual gamer if your just always playing story mode.

i used to think of the idea of playing other people online was dumb until the 360 came out and really gave it a try because it was an upcoming thing for home consoles at the time and loved it ever sice then (CALL OF DUTY)…

Multiplayer just brings a whole other level of continuation aspect to a video game…

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

Someone else mention that they played many games with even touching multiplayer, well then ur just an EXCEPTION because you obviously are just a casual gamer if your just always playing story mode.

I wouldn't say ‘not playing multiplayer makes you a casual player’.

I've beat many hardcore games in story mode, and each of those are much more challenging than their multiplayer components.

The definition of a casual player is a person that picks up a game and plays it for a short amount of time. They play games casually.

I'm not a casual player, and I only play story mode or coop with my friend. I've sat down for hours upon hours playing a single game.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

I wouldn't say ‘not playing multiplayer makes you a casual player’.

I've beat many hardcore games in story mode, and each of those are much more challenging than their multiplayer components.

The definition of a casual player is a person that picks up a game and plays it for a short amount of time. They play games casually.

I'm not a casual player, and I only play story mode or coop with my friend. I've sat down for hours upon hours playing a single game.

I can be friendly and play Coop to!

*Sniff.* You never even talk to me…

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

oook…i know the definition of a casual gamer and TYPICALLY casual players dont play THAT much time online if not any. They are more content with just playing story mode.

My statement doesnt not mean you cant be a hardcore gamer if your just playing story.. BUT ive seen reports on people who put large amount of time into gaming or “hardcore gamers”, play more online….

DOnt get me wrong theres always exceptions…

I know i said if you play story mode your most likely a casual gamer but im saying that based of the majority…again always exceptions

I just dont see how anyone could just play story mode of a game…i feel the gaming industry has come too far for just people to play story mode. Seems like a thing of the past…

I feel that part of the gaming industry will not be where it is now with out the online value of gaming and you being a man that is part of that industry, i dont think you could disagree. im living prove of that….

by BradRedfield

15 years, 8 months ago

well then ur just an EXCEPTION because you obviously are just a casual gamer if your just always playing story mode.

My statement doesnt not mean you cant be a hardcore gamer if your just playing story..

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

oook…i know the definition of a casual and TYPICALLY casual players dont play THAT much time online if not any. They are more content with just playing story mode.

My statement doesnt not mean you cant be a hardcore gamer if your just playing story.. BUT ive seen reports on people who put large amount of time into gaming or “hardcore gamers”, play more online….

DOnt get me wrong theres always exceptions…

I know i said if you play story mode your most likely a casual gamer but im saying that based of the majority…again always exceptions

You're just being too general in the words you use.

A majority of ‘casual gamers’ also play MMOs online. During my time when I played City of Heroes, almost all the people in my team only played CoH, nothing else. They were hardcore CoHers, but casual gamers by my definition since being a gamer in my book means you go out of your way to play as much as you can because you love gaming in general.

My mom also plays games online, but she's a casual gamer.

The people that play online with Second Life are not hardcore gamers.

What mode they play or playing online or offline has nothing to do with it. It all has to do with how much time they actually spend playing games and how much of a part games take in their lives.

I see where you're coming from, but I disagree with the story mode comment you made.

I buy so many games that I don't really need the online component to keep me playing games because I always have a new game to play. The last shooter I played online with strangers was Quake 3. Even Left 4 Dead I only play with my friends over xbl. Same with TF2.

My friends are some of the most hardcore gamers I've ever seen. We play games all day. When we go to the store, they pull out their DS games on the trip there. They play DS when we watch movies. They play board games. They play card games. They play every type of game. But…. they don't play online vs, only story modes.

Games are their life. That's what makes them hardcore.