Review scores thread

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I think people agreeing with me here on this subject has a lot more to do with me working on the game.

I'd agree with that…


Seriously though, me agreeing with him has nothing to do with him working on the game. I like skankers. He just has one of those personalities…reminds me a lot of the people I normally hang out with.

If that makes me a suck up…so be it.

by skankerzero

15 years, 7 months ago

I actually prefer to just be one of the guys.
I even had to tell our old Gamestop manager to not tell people I made videogames for a living. I've had many intelligent conversations turn to mush when they find out I make games. “Can you make my game!?!?!” ugh…

I never want to swing the fact that I make the game in anyone's face, unless there's a joke in it. I love jokes.

by Yehome

15 years, 7 months ago

And sandwiches.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 7 months ago

And those little umbrella things you get in cocktails!

by robbritton

15 years, 7 months ago

I actually prefer to just be one of the guys.
I even had to tell our old Gamestop manager to not tell people I made videogames for a living. I've had many intelligent conversations turn to mush when they find out I make games. “Can you make my game!?!?!” ugh…

I never want to swing the fact that I make the game in anyone's face, unless there's a joke in it. I love jokes.

Boy, tell me about it - round here it's all, “can you photocopy this for me?” and “can you photocopy that for me?”. I've had to learn to keep it under wraps.

Not to mention my job.


by ScottSommer

15 years, 7 months ago

I actually prefer to just be one of the guys.
I even had to tell our old Gamestop manager to not tell people I made videogames for a living. I've had many intelligent conversations turn to mush when they find out I make games. “Can you make my game!?!?!” ugh…

I never want to swing the fact that I make the game in anyone's face, unless there's a joke in it. I love jokes.

If it counts for anything Skanks, Me and Dakera (aka OctalLord) see you as a friend and part of the gang. We even tried to invite you to one of our games even though you declined each and every time, but we don't mind.

We invite you just because we hope to play with us some day and have fun. It just so happens you are a game developer on a very much wanted game.

We won't bug with questions just want to have fun. We might joke around with you and poke fun, but that is who we are. Friends mess with each other from time to time.

Actually Skanks, I hope you do play with us some day if only just once. ^_^
I was actually hoping to be on your friends list as well, but I figured you got enough people on it that bug you so I didn't bother sending a Friends request.

by skankerzero

15 years, 7 months ago

its rare I join parties on XBL. I usually have my friends over so i'm always talking with them. Also, it's not always me online. On the weekends, I have several friends that crash at my place. They're always watching netflix or playing games.

I usually chat on XBL on week nights when I have the living room to myself.

I've only ever turned you guys down once when I couldn't find my mic.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 7 months ago

its rare I join parties on XBL. I usually have my friends over so i'm always talking with them. Also, it's not always me online. On the weekends, I have several friends that crash at my place. They're always watching netflix or playing games.

I usually chat on XBL on week nights when I have the living room to myself.

I've only ever turned you guys down once when I couldn't find my mic.

Understandable, my roommate does that too when college is in.

Anyway, hoping we can play some day.

Till then


by Dakera

15 years, 7 months ago

its rare I join parties on XBL. I usually have my friends over so i'm always talking with them. Also, it's not always me online. On the weekends, I have several friends that crash at my place. They're always watching netflix or playing games.

I usually chat on XBL on week nights when I have the living room to myself.

I've only ever turned you guys down once when I couldn't find my mic.

That was me! He remembered! YAYZ!

Anywho, might be fun for you guys at TR to do the play with developers(Is that what it's called?) thing that microsoft does once a week or so.

Would give some people who are on the fence another reason to get the game. Maybe…

Scott Sommer;144654
Understandable, my roommate does that too when college is in.

Anyway, hoping we can play some day.

Till then


lol you got my thoughts exactly.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 7 months ago

lol you got my thoughts exactly.

Great minds think alike.