Review scores thread


15 years, 7 months ago

Damn. I think thats enough BROmance for this evening.
But yeah skank thanks for accepting the invite. I was gonna be pissed if you had
some cool super secret GB Gamerpic that we couldn't get. Speaking of that . Anyone here
know about that sort of thing coming to Xbox Live?

by skankerzero

15 years, 7 months ago

Damn. I think thats enough BROmance for this evening.
But yeah skank thanks for accepting the invite. I was gonna be pissed if you had
some cool super secret GB Gamerpic that we couldn't get. Speaking of that . Anyone here
know about that sort of thing coming to Xbox Live?

I just took a webcam pic from the dvd boxset and then used their tools to adjust the color.

by chickenheclucked

15 years, 7 months ago

7/10 in Edge UK Magazine.

This is a really good score from them. :-)

by HannibalKing

15 years, 7 months ago

Chicken, He Clucked;144956
7/10 in Edge UK Magazine.

This is a really good score from them. :-)

I'll say.

Call of Duty: World at War - IGN 9.0, Edge 6/10
Resident Evil 5 - IGN 9.0, Edge 7/10

Couple of examples of the high end scores they've given would be GoW2 at a 9/10 and Halo at a 10/10.

by superstarseven

15 years, 7 months ago

At first glance a 7/10 seems pretty bad but now that I see the rest of ratings of those games in the context of this magazine, it actually is a pretty good score. Considering that Ghostbusters isn't supposed to be a genre-breaking game and that those games listed are sequels in hugely popular franchises, it's doing quite well for itself.

by rodie1

15 years, 7 months ago

Wii version got a 7.5 from Nintendo Power

by rodie1

15 years, 7 months ago

At first glance a 7/10 seems pretty bad but now that I see the rest of ratings of those games in the context of this magazine, it actually is a pretty good score. Considering that Ghostbusters isn't supposed to be a genre-breaking game and that those games listed are sequels in hugely popular franchises, it's doing quite well for itself.

Man no kidding. Here's the rest of the reviews from Edge for comparison:
inFAMOUS (PS3) - 7
Ghostbusters (Multi) - 7
The Sims 3 (PC) - 8
Punch-Out!! (Wii) - 8
Boom Blox Bash Party (Wii) - 8
Velvet Assassin (360/PC) - 4
Fuel (Multi) - 8
Damnation (Multi) - 3
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii) - 6
Knights in the Nightmare (DS) - 6
Excitebots: Trick Racing (Wii) - 4
Zeno Clash (PC) - 8
Terminator: Salvation (Multi) - 3

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 7 months ago

that's fine, just don't mind me if I begin gyrating against your thigh.

you are going to need to liquor me up quite well for me to allow THAT to happen.

just sayin bro.

by chickenheclucked

15 years, 7 months ago

Apparently they rank it as one of the best movie tie-ins ever, only held back by dodgy framerate (PS3?) and short play time of 5 hours - short but I imagine there's a fair amount of replay value to be had for fans, and I'd rather have a short and sweet game than grow tired like I did with the latest MGS. Resident Evil 2 clocked in at less than 5 hours a play-through and it's one of the greatest games ever imo, so I think Ghostbusters can be excused.

A triumph, then? Almost. There's a big problem with the framerate, which freuently falters even when there's not much going on. And the whole thing's over far too quickly, our first playthrough clocking in at just over five hours. These faults aside, Ghostbusters is deserving of high praise, not only for capturing the look of the films so well but for translating the basics of the Ghostbusters fiction into original mechanics that, as well as being great fun to play with, simply feel right

by BradRedfield

15 years, 7 months ago

Chicken, He Clucked;144973
Resident Evil 2 clocked in at less than 5 hours a play-through and it's one of the greatest games ever imo, so I think Ghostbusters can be excused.

I can beat RE2 in two hours without saving so HA!


Excitebots: Trick Racing (Wii) - 4

Ouch! That sound's like a pretty harsh review. I personally thought this game was really fun. *shrugs*