Revising Posting Tactics

by ProtonDefender

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree that people bring up the same topics all the time, but I don't blame them for not searching endless pages just to find what they're looking for. I say if they don't see what they want in the FAQ's section, or on the first 2 pages of the specific board, then they shouldn't be taking grief from anyone. THIS IS NOT directed at anyone, but just something I've noticed before. Some people really don't know that a certain topic has been posted before, and instead of getting replies to their comments, they take grief for not adding to the old post. Also, I personally would not want to add to a post that has numerous pages of replies; anything with more than 3 pages gets hard to read, and then you may be repeating what someone has said. All I ask is for people to be more understaning that some people are new here, and others haven't been around for a few weeks/months, so don't jump at every chance to point out that a thread was already started months ago. At the same time for posters, don't post something that can clearly be found in the FAQ section or is already on the first two pages of the board. Also do not change your question slightly to make it appear “new”, we can all see through that haha. Thanks for the venting time.

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Good points, and I'm glad this was made a sticky. It kind of contrasts the GBN member rules thread as North contrasts South. The forums need it.

I think that some members do it too much. It helps sometimes to prove a point; but some people think they are helping the community by constantly posting links to already started threads. (Whereas they are just posting negativity).

by ProtonDefender

21 years, 9 months ago

Agreed; sometimes it's good to simply start fresh, even on the same topic and not worry about past posts.

by GBZone

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree 110%. Although I figured I was the only one who thought that way.

I really can't stand seeing a topic that's new to me, locked, because it had been mentioned just once before.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

I think Proton Defender makes some good points as well, and this is as someone who does refer people to earlier topics…not so much because I think “You dummy you raised this topic again it's already been discussed I'm telling the moderators on you” but more a matter of “Here's where I put my thoughts on the matter.” The only time I ever reported to the Mods to request a topic be locked was when three overenthusiastic Ghostheads all posted “Bill Murray Is Garfield” topics all in the same day. Good grief, the first one was still on the first page of “Today's Active Topics” when #2 and #3 came along.

Conversely, I remember Castewar referring to an earlier topic–then announced “I'm locking the old one so the debate can continue here”

In a perfect world, any topic that's gone more than say six months without a response should be locked automatically (but that would be an excruciating amount of effort to keep up).

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

So how come when I posted this it was deleted and I was warned.

by CaptainN

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok guys I stickied this thread, because it proved some very good point which others have agreed to in the posts above me. I only point to people to threads that are six months or less old. Just the other day there was a post about I believe it was Citizen Ghost, that just the day before there was the exact same post just a different title asking the same thing. So my rule of thumb is use the search first (it's a lot better now that it's powered by Google), then if you can't find the topic you want to post within the first 10-20 results go ahead and post your topic. Then hopefully it hasn't been asked in the past six months your thread stays open.


by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Good call, I like this WAY better than the old “treat the newbs like idiots cuz they don't like research.”


by gbmasterman

21 years, 9 months ago

ya i just got here tonight