RGB emoticons/Icons

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

lol! Cosmic, those really rock.

Tis a shame they can't be made standard.

Has anyone besides myself tried to talk to Chad on the matter?

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

well he is online now… but i am afraid to say anything

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

lol! Cosmic, those really rock.

Tis a shame they can't be made standard.

Has anyone besides myself tried to talk to Chad on the matter?

You know… Chad isn't the only Admin who can add smilies.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Actually, unless he restricted the other admins, he's not. All you have to do is upload each smilie to a place like uploadit.org, and add it in the admin cp. I haven't messed with phpBB in about six months so I don't fully remember how to do it.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Actually, unless he restricted the other admins, he's not. All you have to do is upload each smilie to a place like uploadit.org, and add it in the admin cp. I haven't messed with phpBB in about six months so I don't fully remember how to do it.

sorry Vinz, I was going to quote your post but accidentally edited it, I think it's close to what it was only without the quotes… :-O our abilities have indeed been limited for now with good reason otherwise these would make great new additions…


I don't think you changed it at all.. if you did it doesn't matter. Though in my opinion, removing the other admins' right to add smilies was a retarded move. They're just smilies, jebus.

by Cosmic-Riptide

21 years, 2 months ago

It's no biggie guys. I'm making them more for my own enjoyment and to challenge myself above anything.

If they do get used here then “cool”, if not, it's no big deal. Even I can site a reason or two as to why they might not work the best for this board.

Still, I do feel that a few more emoticons are needed for this board. If Chad ever did ask for someone to expand upon the Slimer/Stay-Puft/No-Ghost emoticons I'd probably be up to it.

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

Sorry guys, I've been really busy lately. But now that someone finally showed me the icons, I'm very impressed. As soon as Zack showed me, I flipped out. These are great!

As for the admin thing, limitations were imposed for security reasons, but they will go back to normal soon.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Sorry guys, I've been really busy lately. But now that someone finally showed me the icons, I'm very impressed. As soon as Zack showed me, I flipped out. These are great!

As for the admin thing, limitations were imposed for security reasons, but they will go back to normal soon.

So… let me just get this straight. Letting admins add smilies is a security comprimise? Not hardly.

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

Sorry guys, I've been really busy lately. But now that someone finally showed me the icons, I'm very impressed. As soon as Zack showed me, I flipped out. These are great!

As for the admin thing, limitations were imposed for security reasons, but they will go back to normal soon.

So… let me just get this straight. Letting admins add smilies is a security comprimise? Not hardly.

This is a bit over your head. You can't simplify the situation like that.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Whatever, Chad. I'm not going to argue.