RGB Figure & Price List

by mizunokojo

21 years ago

:-( I have recently begun collecting ghostbusters mechandise and i was wondering if anyone knew of a website which contained an extensive list and description of RGB figures/vechiles?

The sites i have come across have been quite vague.


by abathalon

21 years ago

Welsome aboard!
I suggest you the GB toy archive www.gbtoyarchive.com
Even though it havent been updated since a while now, its still a pretty good reference site.
The price guide is not really accurate but the list of what have been made is correct and very useful.


by flexxx1

21 years ago

AHHHHHHHHH i recognize that name… Your the dude thats been buying everything off ebay. As much as ide like to say a few words of hatred for buying everything i was bidding on i wont becasue thats how bidding is.. anyways i have a list of prices on items Pics and everything.

What itsm do you need a price for ?

Ryan - Flexxx

by mizunokojo

21 years ago

Thanks for the website link, it doesn't include every figure though.

I have had to buy Ghostbusters items from ebay because they're soo scarce with original packaging here in the United Kingdom. (;_

I am particularly looking for the price of a MIB Gobblin' Goblins - Terrible Teeth action toy.

If anyone has boxed or carded Ghostbusters items for sale i would be very interested, just drop me a line.

Cheers. :p

by Kingpin

21 years ago

Off Topic:

Gosh, we seem to be having an influx of British Ghostheads as of late :-O

Welcome aboard, from one British Ghosthead to another


The GB Toy Archiee is proabbly your best bet for prices at the moment, and the only link I know of offhand.

by mizunokojo

21 years ago

Hello fellow English person!

You don't happen to know of any remote toy shops that still stock ghostbusters items around the UK do you? :-O

I only seem to be able to pick them up at bootsales! :-(


by Kingpin

21 years ago

We're in the same boat, I haven't seen anything toy related outside of Charity Shops.

by mizunokojo

21 years ago

They must all be locked away in a warehouse somewhere, guarded by an angry goat named ‘norman’. *ahem* :-@

by abathalon

21 years ago

Hey mizunokojo,

It would you have been Very nice if you'd ask me the permission to use the banner I created, I spent a lot of time creating it because I wanted to be original. I'd appreciate that you could create your own.
Thanks buddy.

Are you looking only for European Packaging or also for Canadian and American?


by mizunokojo

21 years ago

Sorry, i will remove it as soon as i have finished creating my own.

I have no preferances on where the items are from, i am willing to pay the airmail fees.
