RGB ghost trap (cardboard)

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 3 months ago

Thanks guys. Maybe someday I'll muster up the courage to make a proton pack too. That's my dream…..

by fusi0n1

18 years, 3 months ago

Well the handle is wooden. So are some of the buttons. But the vast majority of it is cardboard yeah. Thanks for the compliment…
Yeah I wasn't implying 100% cardboard, like 95% though. :p
I saw a few parts that were wood/plastic, plus the plastic hose gave that away mostly. :p

Pack sounds intriguing, I'm guessing RGB as well? Looks like you have the skills, talent and materials to do so! Top stuff, you get the fusion approval! :-)

by spengs1

18 years, 3 months ago

I don't suppose you have a tutorial on how to make a RGB trap? The reason I ask is at some point the GBI site wants to have a section that's more for kids. I was already planning to write something up about how to make a trap. It wasn't going to exactly look like the one you made. I thought it would be great to have two variations on kid projects, even though we're adults. lol

by sinister1

18 years, 3 months ago

You should really work for Blue Peter.

by Cosmic-Riptide

18 years, 3 months ago

VERY impressive! Color me jealous. (*peter)

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 3 months ago

You should really work for Blue Peter.

Haha. I had to look that up to understand it. Very funny. But no thank you.

Spengs, I'll try and make a “how to” for this ghost trap when I get the time. Believe it or not though, it might be fairly complicated. But I'll see what I can do….

by spengs1

18 years, 3 months ago

Thanks, it would be appreciated.