RGB MOC and MIB Toys for sale

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 4 months ago

I've got a whole lot of items I want to sell. All are reasonably priced, so please let me know if you find something you're interested in.

MOC Screaming Heroes Ray - $10
MOC Screaming Heroes Egon - $12
MOC Screaming Heroes Winston - $12
MOC Screaming Heroes Peter - $12
MOC Screaming Heroes Janine - $10

MOC Fright Features Peter - $10

MOC Power Pack Heroes Peter - $10
MOC Power Pack Heroes Janine - $12
MOC Power Pack Heroes Louis - $14

MIB Highway Haunter Vehicle - $15
MIB Ecto 2 (Special German release) - $20
MIB Ecto 500 - $15

**If you decide to buy two or more of these items I'll send you another part of my GB collection for free, as I'm trying to downsize it.

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 4 months ago

If no one is interested, they're going to eBay.