RGB Movie

by Kingpin

22 years, 1 month ago

If GB3 was gonna be done, I'd like to see it done with the RGB. Imagine RGB, but done with today's technology, it would freakin rock. Imagine the amount of detail that would go into how a character or object would look, and with new lighting effects like lense flares and such then the proton streams would kick a$$. What would you like to see in a RGB movie?

by Ghostbuster-x

22 years, 1 month ago

I think that if they were going to bring a RGB movie out they might have done it by now, but i could be wrong.
Your idea Ghostbusters legaccy is something i would like to see. For example i dont know if you have seen it but Poltogiest the leggacy is great. They made it as a series after all the films were releasd. i would like to see a GB Legaccy as a series on TV.

by Kingpin

22 years, 1 month ago

I am aware that if they were gonna make one then they'd have done it by now, I have seen Polterguist the Legacy, it was okay.

by LordVego

22 years, 1 month ago

omg thats so weird, Kingpin, i actually was thinking of how cool it would be that GB3 was RGB, my idea was that when hell opens up into earth its all leaad by sam hein and some time in the beginning the whole worl turns into a cartoon and the GBs hafta turn things normal

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 1 month ago

Now I wouldn't like that idea. But an RGB movie would be pretty cool. Though I wouldn't want to see too much technology, it'd probably be mostly cgi. But it would still be cool.
I had the idea of remaking the movies using action figures as well as the episode “Citizen Ghost.” But i don't have a camera.

by GhostbusterN

22 years, 1 month ago

I think the RGB idea would be great. The movie could fill in what happened between RGB and EGB. But if they came out wuht this, they'd have to use a much much better frame rate. Also, they should make the characters look like they did in RGB. The thing that ticked me off about EGB was that the characters looked nothing like they did in RGB