RGB proton gun finished...Finally

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

I finished my rgb proton gun, I finally found some silver split loom for the front barell and was also able to finish tweaking a few minor details to my liking. here is the end result, made from Mdf and pvc mostly. I also found that the uniform leg hose made the perfect gun to pack hose.

I also started a new movie gun last night, just a few shots of the progress.

by jettajeffro

15 years ago

The RGB gun looks awesome, how does it look on your pack besides an eye hazard?

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

the RGB gun looks awesome man…do the lights work?

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

It looks okay on the pack, but like you said it's just an eye soar, it doesn't fit the movie packs style, and seems off when compared to the movie based guns , but it looks great unattached and in your hand more so than the movie guns, nice and beefy and strong feeling and slightly longer too, and Yeah the red light works on it, thats the only light I have installed actually, and that reminds me, I need to change that battery out.

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

Thank's by the way guys.

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

Here's a diagram I made to help me before I started my build uP, i USED REFERENCE SHOTS FROM THE CARTOON AND COMICS, AS WELL AS SOME OFFICIAL PRODUCTION ART TO BASE MY DESIGNS ON, I also love to leave my caps button on while I type it makes me feel tough lol. The cartoon it seemed as though the artists changed the shape of parts on the gun and the general proportions and such on a regular basis, so I tended to not base my design as much on the cartoon but more on the DIC production pics, as well as a combination of really good cartoon screen grabs, and comic book shots of the gun, to make my own design. mind you the black is obviously my design choice as I felt in the real world no one would paint a weapon bright blue. anyhow here is the pic along with some comparisson shots of the gun next to an accurate movie gun.

by exo95er

15 years ago

Looks nice. I would shorten the tip of the RGB wand though, down to the length of the movie wand. Looks a little bit too long in comparison to the movie proton pack.

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

I would shorten it the tip however if you watch them hold it in the cartoon or comics it appears to be pretty close to those as far as size goes, personally I think it looks correct, give or take a half inch or so. It's very hard to judge something that has never actually existed in the real world and only in a cartoon, where the proportions constantly changed due to the animators and artists. I personally always thought the rgb gun was longer anyway than the ones in the movies, so I like it how it is, but I appreciate your input all the same, it does feel a bit weird at first compared to the movie guns but overall it's comfortable and looks really good even better than in those photos in my opinion.

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

When I hold the gun it looks just about this size.

by jettajeffro

15 years ago

Don't worry, my eye hazard joke was about it poking someone's eye out, but the length looks accurate to the cartoon. I hope you are going to do a RGB pack to go with it. I love seeing the more realistic RGB equipment.