RGB proton gun finished...Finally

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

Wow - that gun looks fantastic!! I think you achieved your goal of a “realistic RGB gun.” You stated this was your first endeavor into the RGB stuff. I would love to see your take on finishing it out with the pack.

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

That's what i'm planning right now, hopefully in the next few months I'll have her started or even finished. Rgb stuff is really fun to make and even more fun to give a realistic feel to it. Plus it just looks bad ass lol.

And thanks for the kind words, I thought someone else on here was making an rgb gun too, I wonder what ever happended to him and his build? Anyone heard anything. I'd like to see others attempts at rgb guns to compare it to my own personally, that way if I see something I like about their builds I can incorporate it into my next one.

by jogi82

15 years ago

the cool thing about is that it looks real! not like the toy version! i think its because of the great paintjob!
love to see a matching pack too!

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years ago

It's coming likely around April or May.