RGB Proton Pack and Trap For Sale

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 2 months ago

I need money so I really have no choice but to do this. I have the RGB proton pack with all stickers, the proton gun, the yellow cord, ID card, and wrist band. I also have the trap, which is MINT and includes the white ghost. If anyone is interested send me a PM. I'll respond as soon as I see your message.

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 2 months ago

Just an extra note, the price I'm looking for is $55. Shipping will be extra but probably not that much more. You'll find the proton pack on eBay for $50 alone many times. This deal includes the trap. This is a great price and hopefully someone will take good care of these items. So please PM me if you're interested.

**Also, I will be including a MOC Peter Venkman Fright Features figure with these items, free of charge, if you would like it.

by rossedge

19 years, 2 months ago

Hi there,

Very interested in these items, do u have any pics?

Will also pay for the extra shipping to Europe!

Thank you


by rossedge

19 years, 2 months ago

PM Sent

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 2 months ago

Hi Ross. Thank you for your interest! I will ship to Europe. I sadly do not have pics, so I tried to describe the items as best as I could. I will go into more details for you just so you'll get a better idea of the condition everything is in.

The pack itself is in great, sturdy condition. There are no dents, all stickers are there, the gun is in great shape as well, and the orange rim is not broken, as I believe I've seen that happen before. All the stickers are on the gun as well. The yellow cord is present and connects the pack and gun well. It still looks pretty vibrant for its age. The wrist band is in good shape. It's not bent nor has it been torn apart and taped back together! The ID card is also included and is NOT written on. Very nice to have without any writing on it. The foam piece has been broken into two, but while I was still collecting it, I did tape them together with invisible tape, which is not noticable from a distance. That can be replaced if you want, or you can leave it as is. The tape is as strong as it was when I put it on.

As for the trap, everything is MINT. I purchased it MIB but foolishly opened it. It's never been “used.” I stomped on the pedal a few times just for fun but that's about the extent of it! :-) And the ghost is included and it is also mint.

As you can hopefully tell by my description this is a great little set. The price is right also. Bidding on this set on eBay would cost more than $70 and I'm convinced of that. So if you're interested Ross, email me at saintagnesburningtrain@hotmail.com because I didn't get your PM and I wouldn't want it to get lost somehow through the site. Email is probably the best way.

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 2 months ago

No reply from Ross or from the other person who emailed me. So, I'm not going to bother selling these because of lack of interest and waste of time.