RGB/XGB Animated Movie

by darealgb

23 years, 2 months ago


by Twister

23 years, 2 months ago

I think and RGB Animated movie would be better than a XGB movie. Personally, I think RGB was way better and I didn't like the way the XGB portrayed the guys in the episode “Back in the saddle”.

by darealgb

23 years, 2 months ago

ya your right a rgb animated movie would kinda be better then a xgb but i also wouldn't mind to see a xgb animated movie in theaters

by Cold

21 years, 10 months ago

EGB would never work, Why? Because it was dull and OVER THE TOP cartoon style.

On the other hand RGB as a movie would work, its closer to the film and was much more entertaining

by JadedJewel

21 years, 10 months ago

If they ever do make a Ghostbusters animated movie, that would be cool for me. I'd be even more happy if it was sorta based on RGB. I've always prefered RGB over XGB since I saw the first episode of XGB.

I'll admite, XGB had is ok moments, notably the episode when Janine got kidnapped and Egon told her she loved her, but the rest of it was just sucky. (Although my older brother liked Edwardo because of the way he was in the show.)


21 years, 10 months ago

Instead of an RGB/XGB deal, why not make an animated movie in the style of the live action? You know, the concept I've posted around this board for the next GB toon with the guys looking like they did in the movies without colorful suits and more realistic sets with the Columbia toon magic we've seen in MIB, XGB and Godzilla.
To top it all off, it could feature our favorite RGB voices or maybe get the originals to do it if they're not so keen on doing a live-action. And truthfuly, I don't wanna see a fat Ray and Egon.

by PeterVenkmen

21 years, 10 months ago

Not really a good idea. Mixing Live action and cartoon or whatever can turn out bad. I would really like to see a brand new Ghostbuster Cartoon Movie.

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

r u guys forgeting about TMNT they are as old as ghostbusters and they have a new tv cartoon. :d


21 years, 10 months ago

What about Who Framed Roger Rabit? That was a good blend. Yeah, TMNT is pretty decent. Better than He-Man which is DULL! They shoulda cut those fight scenes dramatically. Anyone seen that premier ep? They spent like 10 minutes on each main character fighting a bad guy. Sounds exciting? Believe me, wasn't no Jackie Chan.

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 10 months ago

Suddenly, everything old is new again.

Cases in point: Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and many others. They should be getting around to a new GB series sooner or later.

I'm all for a new GB film, even if it's only animated. Better than nothing, right? But if it is going to be animated, which style would it be done in? While Anime is cool and all, it doesn't really hold well for an american concept.

One person mentioned that Batman: the Animated Series had several films that went direct to video. Why not have the new film in the style of Bruce Timm? B:TAS was dark, gothic, and dramatic, while retaining an element of comedy (i.e., Batman to Joker). It might be perfect for the GBs.

Or perhaps we could go with the quirkieness of Chris Bailey (Clerks: The Animated Series). If you look at his work on his site, Clerks: TAS, or the horrible Kim Possible, his style could work.
