"In addition to the original four (Venkman, Egon, Stanz and Zeddmore), Rick Moranis
will be reprising Louis Tully. Unfortunately, Sigourney Weaver (Dana) won’t be coming back. Instead you’ll just have to deal with Alyssa Milano as the love interest."
3/24/2009 The Escapist via
Proton Charging
"The boys will be there,
including Rick Moranis"
3/20/2009 psxextreme.comRemember: "Obviously Rick Moranis comes up a lot since he was the one guy we weren’t able to get in the
time frame we had based on availability and everything else, and that certainly open for discussion again now. No guarantees, but the game hasn’t shipped yet."
12/3/2008 Brendan GossMaybe …