I'm really surprised that there aren't more people on the GB boards who remember him Back… especially when there seems to be so many who claim to have been old enough to have seen Ghostbusters in theaters when it was originally released.
Only three GB fans watched Nickelodeon in the 80's and early 90's? I didn't even have cable for most of my childhood and I still managed to catch all of the major shows growing up, either while visiting relatives or friends.
It's not like the show was hidden in a crappy timeslot. I seem to recall it showing alongside shows like “Dangermouse”, “Inspector Gadget”, and “You Can't Do That on Television”.
I would have at least thought that the older wannabe-scientists among us would have grown up watching Mr. Wizard. (*winston)
He wasn't wacky like Bill Nye or Paul Zaloom, but as you said he wasn't exactly boring …I'm probably wrong, but I could swear that there was an episode where he demonstrated how to make a “Jacob's Ladder” (a high voltage traveling arc) out of a coat hanger…