River of Slime? :possible spoilers:

by BigBE203

15 years, 8 months ago

Sorry if this was mentioned already, but I remember seeing a screenshot of the river of slime in the Wii version. Does anyone know if that was a Wii exclusive, cuz I didn't see it anywhere. The only thing that came close was the tunnels underneath the museum. Or was this just something that was cut along with the parade level?

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

I finished the game twice and I already forgot where it is… Is it in the Shandor island?

It's not a Wii exclusive because the PS2 has it… well, the PS2 is the Wii version, they said… so I guess it makes it a Wii exclusive :p

What?! They didn't add it on the PS3/360???

To my taste, I didn't like very much the level, I don't like to carry objects with the stream. The level is repetitive and there's not much action in it. You feel like playing one of those TombRaider games where you need to solve puzzles to continue in the story. It's an old concept over used and it reduces the reality of what would have happened there.

But after finding the door, you enter in some kind of scientific room, and from there the fun starts, at the end you will find the river of slime entity and the fight is not bad.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

technically it was not a “river of slime” at least not the gb2 kind like we saw in that concept art. it was all black slime that wasn't even a river, just like i holding sewer. it was slime that was filled with negative energy but not the same thing.

by robbritton

15 years, 8 months ago

There *is* some pink slime in vats in the wii/PS2 version, but not the old Van Horne river of slime itself. All slime in the next gen versions (story mode, at least) is black or green.

by BigBE203

15 years, 8 months ago

There is also pink slime in the 360 version. I did notice the tunnel sysem under the museum did look alot like the Van Horne tunnels just minus the pink slime. Maybe thats what it was. Thanks guys

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

They also made the reference to it when they went into the slime plant, “wow they probably realeased the slime into the sewers from here” or something like that.

by TheStrikeTeam21

15 years, 8 months ago

There is also purple slime when you play online. Rather than shooting green slime, it's purple. There is also blue slime in the library when you first go in.

by Cosmic-Riptide

15 years, 8 months ago

It was actually in the museum.

The picture in question wasn't a screen shot, it was a surface map. Specifically, it was a surface map for a painting hanging on the wall in the Gozerian exhibit.(*peter)

by duelistjt

15 years, 8 months ago

They also made the reference to it when they went into the slime plant, “wow they probably realeased the slime into the sewers from here” or something like that.

Yeah I was thinking of the same thing. I always thought the river of slime was from Vigo. In the game they say it was pumped in to the sewers from Shandor's island.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Does it mean Vigo had some connection with the shandor Island? The river of slime appeared in the pictures of the painting.