Road Rage Tale

by imported_E-DUBB

16 years, 9 months ago

this happened to me a few weeks back actually but i thought it is funny to share.

so im waiting to turn right onto the street and everything is clear in the right lane. but at the last minute, this guy decides he is changing his lane into the right one, and from my rear view i see he is moving in the middle of an intersection… which is a no no for this specific reason. first of all, this guy is speeding, next thing i know, he is on my ass about to rear end me. then he angrily changes back to the middle lane and then goes ahead of me in the right lane again.

i have bad road rage, so i proceed to speed up as fast as i can and wait for the absolute last second before swerving back into the middle lane avoiding his bumper by inches. he didnt like that move obviously. at the next set of lights, he is set to turn right and me left, but not before a show. he rolls down his window and shows me his biceps as if to say i will kick your ass. i laughed at him, gave him the hulk hogan arm flex poses and waved him goodbye. the look on the other drivers faces when i started posing as hulk was priceless. as a note, this guy would have pounded me into the ground, but in the moment i always lose my head.

now that i wrote it out, it doesnt sound funny actually… but i spent time to write it so im gona post it anyway (*egon)

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

Ah, road rage. Got to love it. The one moment when we are blinded by moment and act like total retards and acting upon our own internal rage without taking into consideration that the person we are raging on might have a gun \o O/

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

When I was 15/16, I was walking near a parking entrence and suddenly, full speed from a red light, that guy arrived in his car. He never slowed down when he turned. I was on the grass, the border of cement hit the bumper like a wall and the car stopped. The man smiled at me and I was not happy. So he exited the car, insulted me, and ask me if I had a problem. Damn!

A couple years ago, on a bike, near a parking entrence; a speedy truck turned the corner without slowing down. I hit the break in time. The man saw that I was not happy and he asked me if I hAd a PrObLem!

Last summer, walking near a PaRkInG eNtRenCe, a car with five dudes came full speed from the other side of the road. Of course, I had to step back. Strangely, my look was enough to cut their laugh.

And I'm probably forgetting some other story…
Am I curse with the parking entrence spell or what :@

by robbritton

16 years, 9 months ago

One time I was driving my dad's car and being really careful and I arrived at my destination safely and it was good times.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

I got better:

“Beep! Beep!” «««««««««««« ­­­_.|­­­­­­­­­¬

by zack1

16 years, 9 months ago

lol @ this topic. Yeah I hate when people ride up on my bumper. I've taken after my dad a lot in the way that he'll “talk” to the other drivers but to himself. He and me now whenever someone does it, I talk to myself out loud “get off my ass”

I still can't believe how many people talk on their phones while driving. Whenever I have to, I make it a point to say I'm driving or I make it really quick. Some people seem to zone out on the phone.

On a somewhat related driving story I remember when I was younger I think I went with my dad to Wal Mart and ya know how you're about to get a parking spot and someone comes out of nowhere while you were waiting. I remember distinctly when we got out of the car, my dad said “ya like that parking spot?” and the redneckish lady said “I sure motherf**king do!”

haha good times.

by Mat.

16 years, 9 months ago

I used to get mad, but it never got me anywhere. I find in traffic these days, I'm way more mellow than I used to be. Now I just laugh at the Nascar wanna be's that blast on ahead only to hit a red, or those that buzz on past…to get hung up behind the car that you were pacing with a 4 or 5 second distance between…It's strangely amusing.

But at that, I almost got side swiped from some idiot that blew the red… Just stay aware of what's going on around you.

It's not me I'm worried so much about, but the last thing I'd want to see is the girlfriend or her daughter hurt (or worse) while I'm driving!