RoboCop remake in 2010

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

Still with holding judgement until I see further information…after all…I said the same thing when I heard about the Live-Action TV series….::shudder::

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Still with holding judgement until I see further information…after all…I said the same thing when I heard about the Live-Action TV series….::shudder::

Which one? There was the one in the early 90s, and the extremely crappy Prime Directives TV movies.

I really don't get why everyone hates the Live Action TV series though. It was targetd more at teens, so toning down the violence was expected. But the series did a good job of showing the human side of Murphy, and quiet a bit of the stories revovled around RoboCop helping his son and father (the father also eventually found out his son is now RoboCop). I think it's getting more hate than it really deserves.

Besides that, if you thought the live series was bad, you obviously haven't seen the RoboCop Alpha Commando cartoon. Which was godawful, where RoboCop was more like Inspector Gadget, and ontop of that didn't even act like RoboCop is suppose too.

by Brendan_M

16 years, 8 months ago

I can't wait for this film to come out.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Which one? There was the one in the early 90s, and the extremely crappy Prime Directives TV movies.

Yes and Yes

Peter Venkmen
I really don't get why everyone hates the Live Action TV series though. It was targetd more at teens, so toning down the violence was expected.

I believe you just presented your own explaination. It's like creating a weekly series based on the first Rambo movie except no one dies and everything works out for everyone in the end..

Peter Venkmen
But the series did a good job of showing the human side of Murphy, and quiet a bit of the stories revovled around RoboCop helping his son and father

I can't dissagree with you on that. It did do a fine on that front.

Peter Venkmen
Besides that, if you thought the live series was bad, you obviously haven't seen the RoboCop Alpha Commando cartoon. Which was godawful, where RoboCop was more like Inspector Gadget, and ontop of that didn't even act like RoboCop is suppose too.

Indeed I did watch that series. I watched it more for the art style than anything else. There was something about that style that intrested me for some unknown reason…

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

The thing with the RoboCop series is, the franchise was already being toned down with regards to RoboCop 3. Ever since that, they decided to turn it into a kids franchise.

It's like creating a weekly series based on the first Rambo movie except no one dies and everything works out for everyone in the end.

Actually, that already happened when they did the cartoon series. Good thing Rambo managed to stay an adult franchise though. The cartoon wasn't very good though. But they did have a RoboCop cartoon in the 80s which was actually pretty good, and kept most of the movie aspects.

But comparing the TV series to Prime Directives, yes it returned to it's dark and violent roots, but, the actor they casted for RoboCop, Page Fletcher was horrible for the part. He was short, and his Robo voice and movement is very badly done. The guy who played him also hasn't even seen the RoboCop films, and made no effort to immitate Wellers movements.

This is why I appreciate the series. The actor, Richard Eden, was a RoboCop fan, and he actually made an effort to duplicate Peter Weller. Not to mention he was at least taller, and looked the part.

But anyway, I'm still glad to see that RoboCop will be making a comeback, as it offers new merchaindising.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Actually, that already happened when they did the cartoon series. Good thing Rambo managed to stay an adult franchise though. The cartoon wasn't very good though. But they did have a Robocop cartoon in the 80s which was actually pretty good, and kept most of the movie aspects.

I know…I was trying to be ironic

The thing with the Robocop series is, the franchise was already being toned down with regards to Robocop 3. Ever since that, they decided to turn it into a kids franchise.

Ugh. I think Robocop 3 was almost as worse than Prime Directives. I hated that stink fest of a movie. I was so excited when I heard the movie was being made and when I went to go see it in theaters I wish I hadn't wasted my time by its end.

yes it returned to it's dark and violent roots, but, the actor they casted for Robocop, Page Fletcher was horrible for the part. He was short, and his Robo voice and movement is very badly done. The guy who played him also hasn't even seen the Robocop films, and made no effort to immitate Wellers movements.

This is why I appreciate the series. The actor, Richard Eden, was a RoboCop fan, and he actually made an effort to duplicate Peter Weller. Not to mention he was at least taller, and looked the part.

Also agreed. I think the thing that didn't really set well with me and the TV series was the overall perceived campiness too it. OCP in general seemed dumbed down to the point of incompantence and less malevolent and malicious than in the movies. Maybe I am being a little to critical of the live-action TV series (which at the time of its original airing I watched religiously like it was the coolest thing since sliced bread)

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

The chairman of OCP was turned in someone caring, and overall not aware of what's actually happening in the company. He was basically doing all the wrong things, when he was trying to do the right things.

But coporate crime did stay in tones of the series, it was just really, really toned down to point that it was hard to be enjoyed by adult fans. But if you watch it without trying to compare it to the movies too muchh, it can be enjoyable. I'll admit though, there were some really campy episodes in the series, and also some good episodes. Prime Suspect for example.

I loved that they tied a lot of the episodes into Murphys past. Opened up a lot of opportunties to give us insight on how he was before he became RoboCop. But not everything in the series ended up happy in the end.

RoboCop's childhood friend shows up, and is now crazy from an experiment they conducted on him. He “came to his senses” near the end of the episode, and he even figured out he was Alex Murphy, but gets shot and killed at the end of the episode. So not everything came out for the best. Too bad though it didn't last longer though, cause it would of been intresting to see more episodes where RoboCop is working with his dad, especially since he know's now that his son is RoboCop.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

Ugh. I think Robocop 3 was almost as worse than Prime Directives. I hated that stink fest of a movie. I was so excited when I heard the movie was being made and when I went to go see it in theaters I wish I hadn't wasted my time by its end.

I liked Robocop 3. It had a bunch of unintentionally funny scenes.

by jka12002

16 years, 8 months ago

This makes me wonder if they are going to use archive voice overs from the orginal film. remember, a person's voice can change over time with age.

and i shure hope this isnt going to be a shot to shot remake like 1997 version of Psycho.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 8 months ago

using voice archive. I must admit…thats something that never crossed my mind.