Roslee's GB Site

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years ago

Hello to all,

It's been along time since I posted on this board. I'm not active online right now. But hope to be more online soon. Probably by April,2007. I will start making more updates to my site around the summer. As some of you probably know my sister is expecting in april. So I am putting all my projects off until later.

If you have any ideas, suggestions for me. Please contact me at

I will be checking in from time to time. I do hope everyone had a great valentines. Hello to: Ben, Gh0stbuster, Fomeboy

Thanks for the valentines greetings there mate!


ps: who knows by april I might make some updates.. if I can!

by fome

18 years ago

hey Amanda, good to hear from you

Gh0stbuster got banned so he won't be around here anymore

hope to hear from you soon

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years ago


I tried to send you a comment on my space. But this computer I am on was giving me errors. So I'm having to stay away from MySpace. I'm sad he got baned. He was always creating something unique and fun.

I'm getting a new computer with the newer windows verison on it. Do you or anyone know if it will work well with msn/aol software? or does anyone have Windows vista!?


by fome

18 years ago

here Amanda a CGI GB3 poster Gh0stbuster made

by Guido75

18 years ago

why did he get banned

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years ago

Thanks fome, I'll check it out! It's sad he's gone. He was a really good friend to me. :-(


by GBexpert.

18 years ago

I would not use windows vista till they find all the bugs and correct them.

Good to hear from you again Egons girlfriend24 Keep up the good work!

Can't wait for the updates!

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 11 months ago

I would not use windows vista till they find all the bugs and correct them.

Good to hear from you again Egons girlfriend24 Keep up the good work!

Can't wait for the updates!


Well I have a laptop now. I haven't gotton Windows Vista yet. But I will later on probably. I read on msn that it works well with msn messenger and other software programs. But than again, I could be wrong. There will be updates, I am hoping to make some soon. But it will probably be july before there are any major updates.

Anyways please be in prayers for my state. We have had some killer tornadoes. I was driving in my car thursday and it was bad. We got alot of rain and hail. And on the west section of our city was alot of damange to homes. I'm okey, But I feel sad for the people that lost there homes due to the bad weather we just have had.

Anyways I was pretty close to a tornado, I was out and about driving. So please be in prayers for our Alabamba, Georgia

Thank you!


by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 11 months ago


That was really cool poster he did. I'm sorry it took me so long to view. But I'm always in a hurry awhile online. I was going to send you a comment on myspace. But for some reason I can't get access to it. I heard from Gh0stbuster, he sent me a message. But I can't reply, I am hoping to reply to him soon!

Good news: Roslee is working with a acting friend from S.C on a short film called “Bonnie & Clide”. There will also be a ghostbuster reference in it. right now it's in pre-production. I'm just working with alot of people. The script is ready. It's a very big set, who knows maybe in the future I'll have a chance to act with Matt Ross!!!

That would be a thrill, Anyways I am hoping very soon to make some changes to my site. I posted on my fourm about the delays. I do hope all the irish people like myself. (half Irish) have a great saint patrick's day. The way I'm so busy, never enough time. I might have forgotton to wish you all.

Updates coming very soon!!!
