"Running out of Time" first look

by Ectodude

23 years, 4 months ago

here is the first look at my BTTF/EGB crossover…

November 2, 1985
Train Commuter Parking Lot
Hill Valley, CA
10: 37 P.M.

As a California State Trooper checks the parking lot, the headlights of his patrol car flash across the Railroad tracks. His lights reflect something in the ditch, by the tracks. The police car stops, as the officer takes his spotlight, and shines it into the ditch. The light reflects off a large piece of what looks like stainless steel.

The state trooper steps out of his car, and walks over to the tracks. He took his flashlight, shined it onto the tracks, to find parts of a car all over the tracks. He stepped over various parts, tripped over the back bumper of the car-once-to-be, and looked at the inscription on the back…

Trooper: DeLorean? Oh, shit!

The trooper then ran back to his car, and grabbed the radio off the hook. He tried to speak, but he was stuttering…

Trooper:: In radio:: Ba… Ba… Base? This is car R7! I, uh, found a De… Delor… DeLorean! It looks like it go… go.. got hit by a train! Over?

Base: Repeat, that, R7.

Trooper: The DeLorean that was seen on the tracks a couple of days ago is laying in ruins on the side of the railroad here in Hill Valley! I need assistance, over?

Base: Roger, R7. Base out.

The Trooper walked back over to the dismantled auto, and looked at the destruction. He saw a half of a picture on the ground. It looked like an old-time black and white photograph. There was white-haired man standing next to the old Courtroom Clock before the courtroom was built.

The bottom of the picture only read, “SEPTEMBER 5, 1885”. He dropped the picture back onto the rubble, walked back to his car, and waited for the other troopers to arrive.


November 4, 1985
Commuter Parking Lot
4:56 P.M.

On the final day of the clean up effort, 2 men in suits, with cards that read “FBI”, are behind the truck that all of the parts are being loaded on. They’re standing their, making sure all parts of the dismantled DeLorean were properly placed on the flatbed truck.

Research teams search the dirt and gravel around the tracks, looking for more computer chips, resisters, transistors, and other electronic components. The police officer that filed the DeLorean report, talked to the feds…

Trooper: You see, sir, this is the same DeLorean that was seen rolling across the tracks about 8 days ago. The witnesses said there were 3 sonic booms, and then the DeLorean appeared over the Eastwood Ravine Bridge.

Fed 1: Did they see the “Driver” of the vehicle?

Trooper: They saw a guy in a Clint Eastwood costume jump out before the train hit. He ran away, and we have no positive I.D. of who it is.

Fed 2: There’s only one way we’re going to find out. We’re going to need to put this thing back together. Call the old man, and tell him to prep the electronics lab in Silicon Valley.

Just then, one of the researchers ran up to one of the Feds…

Researcher: Sir! We found something you need to see!

The trooper, and both F.B.I. agents followed the researcher to the tracks. The researcher pointed to a large, metal box with a cracked glass window. It was connected to a LED number panel. It flickered with light, and then stopped. It then came back on, and started to make a fluxing motion. It did that for some time, and then stopped altogether.

Fed 2: Is this some kind of joke?

Researcher: When it was flashing before, one my men got shocked. He’s fine, but this is a very high-powered device, if I’ve ever seen one…

The trooper walked closer, to get a better look, when the Researcher held him back…

Researcher: It also gives off a small radioactive pulse. It’s about 0.7 Rads. I would advise you not to get too close to it.

Fed 1: Alright, call a containment team, and tell them to put that device in a lead box, until we know what do with it.


by J-FluxBuster

23 years, 4 months ago

Cool, a “Back to the Future”/“Ghostbusters” story. I am a big fan of Back to the Future, and I'm new to Ghostbusters (I've seen the GB movies and Extreme GBs). Though, I hate to break this to you Ectodude, but “Running out of time” is the name of a BTTF fan fic, written by BTTF/RGB fan Mary Jean Holmes. I am currently working on a BTTF/GB cross-over fic called “Busting to the Future”, as well as a Digimon/GB crossover called “Ghostmonbusters”. Check out my site at http://www.bttc.shorturl.com ! smile Cool smile!

by Ectodude

23 years, 4 months ago

I beg to differ. The name of the fanfic at BTTF is called “Times are a changin'” I don't have to change the title of the story, because its original.

I'm not tring to piss you off, BTW.

by EctoMaster

23 years, 4 months ago

i am also working on a BTTF/GB crossover and calling it “Ecto-DMC”

by Ectodude

22 years, 12 months ago

ok, how is everyone doing with their fics?