Sam G: Ghostbusters Fan Film: EDIT; We'r makin proton guns!!

by SamG

18 years, 1 month ago

Me and my friend MIGHT ( i stress might) be making a fan film.

If we do make it, it will be a sort of fan remake of Ghostbusters and i am aware some of you will object ( i will leave you to argue over it as whether or not you aprove, if we decide to we will make it).
We will respect the original by not rewriting much ( some would have to be to suit the actors playin the ghostbusters (( we are not using actors that are the closest to the originals as we can for obvious reasons)) and this is not an attempt the upstage the original in anyway).

We are beggining work on proton packs on sunday.

Several questions

1. Who does think the would like to see a (as i put it) a fan remake of the first Ghostbusters?

2. daftkid, if you dont mind, what is the software you used on your amazin film? And if anyone knows of any ammazin special effecs software out there, ignor costs, if i know the name i can get it.

3. Anything you people would like to see in the remake? or taken out?

4. General comments or questions?

P.S Anything i've forgot to say (or probaly, knowin me, missed so this makes no sence) i'll put in later, we'l decide prety soon if we'r makin it or not. Cheap budget if we do do it, we'r teenagers, the rest of the cast would be too.

EDIT: Knew i'd forget something, we have a website, not tellin what it's called yet coz it anit complete and we'r havin big problems with it.
And second thing i forgot is, it's not final that if we do do it, it would be a fan remake, might do some sort of, forwards a few years, ghostbusters is a global company, or do that as well, but, we'r not strong on writin scripts, so unless someone wrote one for us, that option probally happen wouldent happen (and then that deppends on whether we like the script or not, blah blah, blah etc).

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Sounds cool, although I object to any remake of the original Ghostbusters, whether it be fan-made or studio-made.

But I do think it's cool that fans still love the Busters enough to spend their hard earned money and time to make a fanfilm they won't make any profit from. So you've got kudos from me.

Btw, is this going to be a 100 minute feature length or are you doing a 10-20 minute short?

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 1 month ago

Dude, why not make something original that you can be proud of, instead of hammering a 23yr old horse's brains into the wall. No one's gonna be impressed by a lame remake. I know you've got creativity and fresh ideas, so use ‘em for cryin’ out loud. Otherwise don't waste the effort..

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Damn, man your avatar is scary.

by SamG

18 years, 1 month ago

Sounds cool, although I object to any remake of the original Ghostbusters, whether it be fan-made or studio-made.

But I do think it's cool that fans still love the Busters enough to spend their hard earned money and time to make a fanfilm they won't make any profit from. So you've got kudos from me.

Btw, is this going to be a 100 minute feature length or are you doing a 10-20 minute short?

It would be around the 100 minuite feature line, probally

by ViolentG

18 years, 1 month ago

Sam G
2. daftkid, if you dont mind, what is the software you used on your amazin film? And if anyone knows of any ammazin special effecs software out there, ignor costs, if i know the name i can get it.

No offence, but I'd start by reading a dictionary - absolutely nobody is going to want to have anything to do with your film if it's promoted with the use of mistake-ridden grammar, scribed by semi-illterate writers. It will make the entire film look like it's been produced by a ten-year old, and if released in the aforementioned state it'll become another one of those films that don't really do anything positive for the Ghostbusters community.

by sandmanfvr

18 years, 1 month ago

ViolentG has a point, your grammar and typing is like a kid or hacking/gamer on the web. Not professional. I am not judging you as a person, but others would and then they would judge your work. I see you are in UK, darn I would love to be in a GB fan film.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years, 1 month ago

I just don't get why you don't get your own original story?

by ViolentG

18 years, 1 month ago

Wow, a Lincolner! Just up the road from me too. Maybe once the storyline issue gets sorted we should all go and pile into the area where they're filming and see how many times we can make unexpected random cameo background appearances

by maskedshuuyu

18 years, 1 month ago

Wow, a Lincolner! Just up the road from me too. Maybe once the storyline issue gets sorted we should all go and pile into the area where they're filming and see how many times we can make unexpected random cameo background appearances

Nah, think bigger. We could be Ghostbusters.