Sam G: Ghostbusters Fan Film: EDIT; We'r makin proton guns!!

by SamG

18 years, 1 month ago

We'r still making the proton packs, wer just about to finnish 4 proton guns

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Got costumes and sets ready?

by SamG

18 years, 1 month ago

No…, read the thread title, might still not make it, we've only just had the idea of doin in bout a month ago.

But we just like makin films in general, and we have and idea for our own film, not ghostbusters,. just like our very own idea, the site we have is set up to support any film we make, so's our forums.
If someone wants the link to our fourms (we got 2 members so far, me and friend in picture), which i doubt, i'll PM it to you, and if a loada people want it (which i doubt even more) i'll post it.

by SamG

18 years ago

We have virtually finnished the four proton gun's, still a bit left to do on em, but all the basics are in, i'll get pictures of em up when we've finnished them completly, but, lookin good!
The “main body” of the gun is vacuum formed.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Cool, did you guys make 'em all yourself from scratch?

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

Sounds great, keep us posted!

by SamG

18 years ago

Cool, did you guys make 'em all yourself from scratch?

We used basic measurements of the net, but apart from that, yea, we did.
They look amazin though.
The wiring is finnished. (well, not completly, because once the “main pack” is done, the batteries for all of the wiring on these things are/will be in the power cells!)

We also have the boards the packs are mounted on cut out, their made from chipboard, i know, not the best we could of done, but for some reason, ben thinks its better than aluminum.

by maskedshuuyu

18 years ago

Pictures man, pictures!

by SamG

18 years ago

Pictures man, pictures!

Soon, i promise.

by SamG

18 years ago

We have run into a small problem, accuately, a really big problem, the car.

We have a few ideas but theres no way the car will look very good, all im sayin at the moment is The Free_Ad's ,u uk people out there will get it.

Any ideas people?